Disappointment in family and friends

Disappointment in family and friends
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It all started last year. Before this, I thought that I had a pretty goodfamily , no quarrels, no quarrels, no gossip, everything is orderly and noble. Byelife did not break my rose-colored glasses with the lenses inward.

One of the important people in my life, my grandmother, suffered a sudden deterioration in health and death. I left everything and flew to the funeral, spending all mymoney for tickets and this trip. I planned to fly there a little later, but it happened as it happened. Having collected more money and seeing cheap tickets, I decided to fly again, be with my family, and have a quiet time. I even persuadedhusband and paid for this trip for him too. On the day of the flight back, my great-grandmother dies. The second person in a short period of time left my life. I was very worried about her. But that's life.

Then some kind of trash begins in my life. Largea quarrel with her husband, where he allowed himself too much, preparation for divorce. And against the backdrop of thisbetrayal from my own aunt. It turned out. That my great-grandmother had millions in her closet. Only my deceased grandmother, great-grandmother, and aunt, with whom we live in the same country, knew about them test-antibiotic.com. After my departure, my aunt, who was completely indifferent to the fate of my great-grandmother, flies there and puts on a show about the missing money. What money and who to ask, because whoever could really say something is already dead.

The accused were me and mybrother and dad. Accusations and gossip began. It became disgusting and disgusting, I tried to explain everything to her, but it was useless. The most disgusting thing is that, taking advantage of my situation with my husband, she called him, supposedly took his side, and began to find out how much money I had, how I paid for the trip, and began to find out my large expenses over the past few years. My husband told me all this later, and it made me so disgusted. I stopped trying to prove anything to her and stopped completelycommunication . She quarreled with all her relatives, and turned those who believed her against me. Okay, there aren’t many of them, but still. The great-grandmother’s pension was not large, besides, lately she had nurses with her, and she paid them herself, test-antibiotic.com but she could no longer really count. No one knows how much she gave them. Needless to say, she couldn’t even say how much her pension was. There was no way there could be any millions there. Then all pensioners would be underground millionaires.

At this time, my friends supported me; the conflict with my husband was gaining momentum. To say that it was difficult is to say nothing. After all, I also have children with me. Friends gave me their nice car to go buy groceries or solve some business. Having learned about this, my aunt allegedly accused me of buying this car. I just ran out of words. My arguments that this is an expensive car and, in general, what is the point of making such purchases during the divorce process, of course, did not work, after which I decided to finally break off all contacts with her. It was very painful and unpleasant. I always treated her well.

Friends also had a family breakdown and they simply erased me from their lives, saying something like they have a lot of their own problems, they have no time for you. Out of the blue. TheirI tried my best to solve the problems test-antibiotic.com on my own. I didn’t expect this blow, but I accepted it. I erased it from my life in response, although I didn’t want to, to be honest.

We had good onesrelationship with my husband's in-laws. Before this conflict (out of the blue). The fact that he is to blame for it remains my point of view, but the fact that he allowed himself to let go is entirely hisguilt . I didn’t understand the reason, to be honest, but all his relatives took up arms against me. Although this is not our first conflict and no one has ever interfered in our squabbles. For me, this also became, of course, a loss and disappointment. They behaved, to put it mildly, not very nicely. But I did not react and did not enter into open conflicts with anyone. And in general, I had no conflicts with everyone I talked about here (except for my husband). I do not likeswear , sort things out, etc. But there was a residue left from all this. It turns out that I lost many of those around me just like that, for no reason. For reasons that don't exist.

My husband and I eventually made peace test-antibiotic.com and moved in together again. Maybe this is my weakness, but for the sake of my family I gave him a chance. We no longer maintain contact with his relatives. But now I'm kind of frustrated. Over the course of a year, my social circle has sharply decreased, and I understand with my head that, in fact, it is not my fault, but this residue of disappointment, where should I put it now?

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