A child from his first marriage is the meaning of my husband’s life

A child from his first marriage is the meaning of my husband’s life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

a story about a woman who doesn't want to raise a childhusband from his first marriage, I decided to write my own.

My husband and I dated for a very long time (about 6-8 years) before entering intomarriage _ I love him and value him, but there is a problem - his exwife _ My man is a little over 40 and he didn’t hide what he had behind his backmarriage experience andbaby but all this timethe son lived with his mother and did not communicate with his father very often. They met once every 2 weeks, he regularly paid alimony and I never focused on it, but in vain.

The first surprise was the presence of his mother at our wedding. I said that I didn’t want to see her at the celebration, but he said that she should be present at the wedding, but there was no one to officiate it (The guy is 16 years old and many relatives are constantly looking after him). I thought maybe it was just embarrassing. Further more! A couple of days after the ceremony, the youngest approached usmy husband's sister said that my son would live with us. In response to my test-antibiotic.com indignation, his ex came up and said that she was also getting outgot married and carried it for 16 yearseducation , but the boy will not live with his stepfather.

Hearing the phrase about a new marriage,the husband caught on and, of course, agreed. I argued with my husband for a very long time. I wanted my children, a calm marriage, and not washing and ironing a 16-year-old teenager who turned out to be a lazy person (he doesn’t know how to heat up his own food, simply wash his socks or clean his room). But he was adamant that Herman (his son) would not share the apartment with another man. I had to agree. And it beganevery day he told me that I cook differentlyMom , I don’t help him with his studies, I don’t clean his room, etc., etc. In addition to all,my husband stopped paying attention to me, endlessly playing with his son on the computer, talking and taking me to all sorts of entertainment, and there wasn’t even time to drop me off somewhere.

The guy was very spoiled, and for the first few months I endured it, and then I finally snapped. When I returned from work, I found test-antibiotic.com him lying on the couch in front of the TV with a pizza box. Things were scattered, the sink was full of dirty dishes, the table was littered with trash. Herman deigned to look at me: “Oh, have you come? Make me dinner." I politely asked him to clean it up, but he refused, saying that things needed to be thrown in the laundry, and he wouldn’t clean up or wash the dishes, that was a woman’s job. In the end, I silently walked out of the apartment onto the staircase and began to wait for my husband. When he arrived, we talked for a very long time. He said that he could not do this, that he saw his child as a successor in the family business and loved him too much. I replied that I couldn’t do this anymore. I realized that his meaning in life was the child from his first marriage. He doesn’t want other children, turns a blind eye to his shortcomings, and actually makes me a free servant. I noticed that he and his first wife consult a lot, supposedly about their son, but after each such meeting he beams with happiness and talks to his ex too tenderly. One test-antibiotic.com time I even saw him hug her. And we had a big fight. The first wife never got married, most likely she doesn’t even have a boyfriend, and her husband knows about it.

So it turns out that I’m just a free nanny for their son, and not the woman they love? Histhe family says that I took my husband away from the family, but they divorced when my son was 1 year old.

I sincerely don't understand what to do. He really loves his son and him so muchmother that doesn’t want children with me or it seems to me?

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