Rare sex with my husband pushes me to cheat

Rare sex with my husband pushes me to cheat
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met my husband 8 years ago, fell in love. He was insanely affectionate, gentle, attentive, loving. They lived together for 3 years, made an offer, signed.

Lived for 2 more years. He began to show less attention to me, the relationship turned into a friendship instead of a marital one. Written off everything for life. Romance can't last forever! I periodically told him (without scandal) that I was a woman and I lacked male attention. He nodded, and nothing changed. I took the initiative: romantic dinners, sexy lingerie, striptease, sex in all possible and impossible variations.

He wanted a child. I couldn't get pregnant for a long time. Two years of attempts, surveys. As a result, pregnancy, now my daughter is almost a year old. There is ice in the relationship between us. He is sometimes indifferent, and sometimes frankly rude. In a quarrel, it can offend, push hard. At the same time, a loving and gentle father blows away dust particles from his daughter.

I am 33 years old, he is 34. I am attractive, I work, I am provided with housing. In my life there are no hugs, no kisses, no compliments and caresses, sex on my initiative 2-3 times a month. If you do not take the initiative, then test-antibiotic.com is only once a month for show, although at first he was an awesome lover.

I don't blame him for anything. He works, provides for his family, helps me both around the house and with the child. He's perfecthusband . But I'm lonely, like in the desert. I raised this topic with my husband millions of times, even took him to a family psychologist. But he doesn't hear me. He tells me: “I do everything for the family, what else do you need?”. And yes, there is nothing to argue. And tenderness, attention, sex - well, it's not clear to him. Mistresses? Maybe, I don't know for sure. I don’t check his phone and pockets, I don’t want to stoop to that. Didn't catch my hand.

A man appeared, showing me signs of attention, and I melt. In my thoughts, in my dreams, of course. I can't afford to cheat on my husband. I can't jeopardize my family, my daughter's happiness. But my body doesn't listen to me! I melt from looks, compliments, random touches. Due to rare sex with my husband, I am instantly aroused by any male touch. I try to minimize test-antibiotic.com's meetings with this man as much as I can.

My husband sees that something is happening to me and, when he comes home, he makes a scandal, which makes me sad and not in the mood. And I don’t want to explain for the millionth time that I need kisses, attention and corny sex.

I'm going crazy. I'm afraid to break loose and go on about instincts. I don’t want to cheat on my husband, I’m afraid of losing my family, I’m confused to the point of impossibility!


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