Parents love older sister more

Parents love older sister more
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My sister and I have a big age difference. I hardly know her; we have never communicated closely. She moved out when I was still 6 years old. I started living with my boyfriend in my grandmother’s apartment, and after my grandmother’s deathMom signed the apartment over to her.

Although we made attempts to communicate, it was very difficult. She has her ownI have my own life . My parents are also closed people. No general family holidays, no friends.

I was raised very strictly, often beaten and punished. So I grew up with a lot of complexes and resentments towards them. They paid for my sister’s higher education and helped her from time to time. After her marriage, when she gave birth, my mother often fussed with her grandson. And I didn’t understand why I was always on the sidelines.

And I just couldn’t overcome myself. This boy was a stranger to me, just like him.mother . In principle, I don’t really like children, I don’t know how to communicate with them, and I don’t want to.

After graduating from school, I studied at college (I was not eligible for a free higher education because of my grades,, and my parents refused to pay). They said they didn't see the point. They often went on vacation abroad, but never took me with them. Like, when you start working, you’ll go yourself.

My sister was not in poverty either. I went on vacation with my husband and child every year. Then they bought a big house and had another child. I could no longer live with my parents in constant squabbles and quarrels. She moved out from them to her future husband.

After the wedding, we began a terrible dark streak. Debts, loans,My husband started drinking alcohol because of problems at work. We barely scraped together enough for a rented apartment. Then he became seriously ill and required a lot of money. No one helped us, didn’t borrow money, didn’t even sympathize with us, although they could have. It was insulting, painful and scary.

Recentlymy sister gave birth to a third child. Everyone is happy. Everyone is happy. And I understand that I myself will most likely not have children any time soon. Although I’m almost 30. And when I give birth, no one will help me anymore, no one will be happy, because the fourth grandson is already so much. The parents said that they could help only one of their children, and I had to somehow do it myself.

I cut it offcommunication with everyone. I understand that they have no time for me. I don't even know what I feel. Disappointment ,pain , resentment,jealousy . Am I really such a bad person that I don’t even deserve some kind of sympathy and understanding from my family? Why then did you have to give birth to me at all?

I often read that people write that parents are obliged to help their children, to at least give them an education. But mine always thought differently. They thought that I should support them. And if I can’t, that means I’m a failure.

It's very painful to fight forevery day . Look for part-time jobs, count debts, save, save and save. While others rejoice, and without denying themselves anything. Others who are not strangers to you, but sometimes behave even worse.

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