My husband's parents will force us to divorce

My husband's parents will force us to divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Cry from the heart. Relatives are pissing me offhusband . AllMy life I dreamed of a good husband and a family that would accept me. But only one part came true.

My husband is good, he will always help and will not refuse. But his parents, it’s just something with something. It all started when my mother-in-law began to be jealous of her son towards me. I'm used to him always being there. And he will always bring her, take her away, give her money. I thought we’d get married and she’d leave us alone. Not so.

Some kind of hell just started, calls a thousand times a day: “you’re not coming, yourmy wife doesn’t love or respect us.” Although we go to see them every week. And sometimes during the week we just see each other 2-3 times. But of course, it’s like being without her beloved sister-in-law, who lives in the apartment that her parents allocated to her and pay her utilities for her. In response to this, she swears at them, makes scandals, saying that they don’t give her anything. And for them she is the bestdaughter in the world. No matter what we do, we are always bad. Especiallyhusband .

We recently bought a car from test-antibiotic.comloan , donated for down paymentmy parents money , to which my mother-in-law was offended and said it would be better if they bought an apartment. I was just bombed there. That is, my parents, in their opinion, are rich people who will give half a million for the down payment of an apartment. We bought the car because it is a necessity for us. And they constantly mention this every time they call. No, to say that they are great. We never asked them for a penny. And every time this circus happens, the mother-in-law gets offended and leaves. My husband runs around and says: “Mom, calm down.” She says: “you don’t love me” and starts crying.

I'm so tired of this. They are destroying ourmarriage . The husband doesn’t see anything and says that they are good and the best. At the same time, they don’t help us in anything. I don’t understand how you can not help your children. My parents are always ready to help us in any difficulty, both financially and morally. I don’t want to divorce my husband, because I love him. And it’s stupid to get a divorce because of his family. The last time we quarreled was because he wants to celebrate the New Year with his parents, and I want with mine, in the end they decided to celebrate each other with their relatives. Yes, I know, this is nonsense. But I don’t want to endure this circus, and I don’t want to ruin my mood either. I just don't know what to do?

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