My husband's parents are turning him against me

My husband's parents are turning him against me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Second yearmarried with husbandThe relationship was good, he always helped me around the house and supported me in everything. but his parents (we lived together) were always unhappy with something. They reprimanded him that I was bad, I didn’t washrefrigerator , didn’t pour them tea, didn’t give them money, etc. At first my husband defended me, but then he also began to talk like his parents. He told me that he doesn’t owe me anything, doesn’t have to help with the housework, and that in general Idaughter-in-law is in the house, I have to do everything myself. Last year in January I had a frozenpregnancy , after which my husband and I underwent long treatment, spent a lot of money on operations,treatment .

In January of this year, I became pregnant for the second time, the doctors immediately threatened miscarriage, prohibited any physical activity, cleaning the house, the most that was possible was to cook. I explained this to my mother-in-law, sort of. reacted with understanding. but as soon as I lay down for one day, my father-in-law and mother-in-law again began to complain to my husband that I wasn’t doing anything around the house. She went to the hospital for safekeeping; during the 10 days she was in the hospital, her relativesThey didn’t visit the husband and didn’t even pass on any food through the husband.

My husband, in principle, also only came for 2-3 days, they said that I didn’t want to die, I went to the hospital, no big deal. Naturally, I was offended, I told my husband that I would go from the hospital to my parents since this happenedattitude towards me, and asked me to bring things. Without resisting, he collected all my things, including shampoo, and brought them to my parents’ house, i.e. in such a way that I will not return to his house again. His parents insisted on a divorce and said that I couldn’t keep my husband as a child.

The husband also agreeddivorce , went to write a statement, it turned out that they don’t divorce during pregnancy. Over timemy husband decided to move into an apartment with me, we walked around looking for him, but one fine day hemy father called me and told me to agree to the divorce. I called my husband to ask what happened, he said that we were getting a divorce andhe doesn't need a child . As a result, 5 months passed, my husband went with me to an ultrasound, where we were told that we were having a girl, after which my husband disappeared, he simply ignored me. Unable to bear it, I called his mother and asked them to officially write a refusal of the child, to which she replied: “give birth, and then we’ll see.”

Now I am 9 months pregnant, my husband has not helped me morally or financially during all this time. But now he asks me to inform him about the birth of the child, and that he wants to see him. and I’m such a fool who couldn’t save my family that I left him and betrayed him in this way. I feel resentment in my soul because he was never interested in how the pregnancy was progressing and how the child was developing, but he wanted to know about the birth of the child. I asked him for financialhelp , pay half of the expenses in the maternity hospital, buy some things for the child, he says that he can’t help in any way, he doesn’t have money, and that in general he’s only interested in memoney . In principle, I don’t need his money, but since he wants to know and see his child, why shouldn’t he help me. I don’t know what to do, whether to tell him about the birth of a child or not.

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