My parents never supported me, they only scolded and ridiculed me.

My parents never supported me, they only scolded and ridiculed me.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read many stories on this site about the relationship between children and parents. I also have a grudge against my own people, especiallymother . She kept saying that I was untalented, that I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere, that I would remain like this for the rest of my sits on their necks.

It was very painful and offensive for me to hear this, I often cried when no one saw. There was still some truth in her words, since I was not a very good student, but not entirely bad either. But instead of helping and supporting, they shouted, called names and ridiculed. My classmates often told stories, especially in the lower grades. What lessons help them dofather or mother. I was jealous. When after school I chose to enrolla university , and not a college, as my mother insisted, saying that I wouldn’t get in, I specifically went to another city and entered. I was better off living in a hostel than at home.

Now I have a wonderfulfamily , two children, work. I visit my parents once every two years, and then only for a short time. Mostly I come to just to check in and chat with friends. They don’t like my wife either; they say that we are a match. I understand that this is not a compliment. They also like to repeat that if they had not scolded and criticized me, then nothing good would have come of me. I don’t agree with them, but I don’t argue, they still won’t understand. The resentment remains, so I prefer to communicate with them as little as possible. My children don’t like their grandparents, and they don’t really care.

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