My parents are ashamed of my lifestyle

My parents are ashamed of my lifestyle
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I haveproblems in relationships with my parents, I don’t know how to behave towards them and need outside advice. I am 43 years old. My parents are no longer young; we live in the same city, but separately.

As a child, I didn’t notice anything special, my parents lived their own lives, they lived quite comfortably, we didn’t need anything. My grandmother, a very kind person, raised me and my brother and loved us. Mom and dad were busy with themselves,father is a workaholic, andMother , coming home from work, read, you can’t contact her, she always felt bad. And she’s still sick all the time with something, but she doesn’t go to the hospital, you can’t call an ambulance, she’s immediately hysterical. She didn’t bake us pies, didn’t go anywhere with us, it wasn’t always possible to even just talk, grandma did all this. As a child, I was happy with them, I studied well, no problems, I had something to brag about to my friends. Then, when I was 14 years old, they completely changed jobs and went to live in another place, 600 km away, we were left alone with my grandmother, sometimes my parents sent letters,money forfood and parcel with clothes (Mom bought it for me herself, but almost everything was different sizes, I didn’t have to wear it).

Well, I graduated from technical school and at the age of 18 I leftmarried _ They didn’t care then, no one dissuaded me, didn’t ask me anything, didn’t advise me. My father said that it was better to get married than to suddenly bring a hem and disgrace me, although I didn’t even think about these hemlines at that time. Eventuallythe marriage was unsuccessful, I got divorced, at that time I already haddaughter _ They fell in love with their granddaughter, the only one of all the grandchildren, and actively began to help until I went to work. And away we go. It started belatedlyeducation _ I was simply pecked with reminders that I didn’t go to university, didn’t find a worthy husband, didn’t achieve anything. This continues to this day, although I have been in my second marriage for 17 years, it’s been successful, I have a good job, average income, and I’m appreciated at work. But not the parents.

They are ashamed of me, I don’t have a car, I don’t have a leadership position and I live not in the capital, but in the regional center. Nothing to brag about. They were big shots, and my brother and I were nothing. When I call, they are not interested in my problems, only how my granddaughter is doing (she is still in favor, studying at university). And I try not to say anything, it could be fraught. Our daughter has had a boyfriend for 1.5 years, we hide it, because he is from an ordinary family and not from the capital - they definitely won’t like him. On my last visit to them, I broke down, burst into tears, and left. Afterwards, my mother said to me: “Get out of here!” I didn’t call for a month, didn’t go, although I was worried, after all, they are not young, they are 70. Today my father called and said that I was to blame for the quarrel, that if they died, then only I would be to blame, that I was digging for them graves. They can't behave like human beingsrelationship _ They believe that I come to them because I hope for some kind of material benefit, although I have not depended on for many years and have not taken anything from them. I understand that parents are not chosen, that I must help them in old age, but I cannot bring myself to go to them. After these visits I drinkmedicine for three days.

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