My parents ruined my life with their selfishness.

My parents ruined my life with their selfishness.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm the only onethe child is with my parents and I always heard that it was difficult for them to even imagine that I could leave them, so I stayed to study and then work in my hometown, although the prospects in the capital were much better. But I got used to obeying my parents in everything, and when I leftgot married , visited them almost every day after work, thenbring food , thenmedications will be ordered. Or maybe they were just looking for a reason to see each other. They also have children on weekends, although sometimes they just wanted to relax, but if they didn’t go, there would be a lot of resentment. Immediately: “You don’t need us anymore.”

When my husband was offered a job abroad, he stood upThe question is how to tell your parents about leaving. They barely persuaded us, saying that we were only going for a year. It took a long time to settle in a foreign country; at first there was no work for me,my husband disappeared at work all day, and I sat alone with the children and already regretted that I had come. But after six months everything began to improve a little, they could already send parentsmoney , friends appeared, and when my husband was offered to continue the contract, we agreed.

But then the hysterics of the parents began, they had already constantly complained that they did not see their grandchildren, and when they learned that we were still staying, tears began, blackmail began, then my mother felt bad with her heart, thenmy father fell ill with high blood pressure. I began to persuadehusband to return, but he said that he could not miss such an opportunity, and I knew that if something happened to my parents, I would never forgive myself. Quarrels began with my husband, I was about to go home without him, when he gave up and we returned.

Now he and I are each at our own jobs, there are no prospects. Almost immediately they realized that they had done a great stupidity by returning back. As before, we go to our parents, but we don’t have the same relationship with them as before. And quarrels and mutual accusations often arise with my husband. In this situation, everyone lost, but I blame my parents more for this, you can’t be so selfish.

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