My parents kicked me out of the house

My parents kicked me out of the house
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 36 years old. At 28 (2008) she gave birth to a child withouthusband , as they say for themselves. I always lived with my parents,the mother helped with the baby, although she first suggested an abortion. Ever since I found out that Ipregnant , didn’t have relationships with men until 2015. Didn’t want to.

I want to say that with my motherrelations were always warm and friendly. She is my clean lady and my mistress, according to her, I am my mistress andmother is bad. According to her, my dad, brother and I can shit in the middle of the apartment, walk and step over (figuratively), and when she dies, we will live in the dirt. Whenthe child grew up, I could go out with my friends to a cafe or a disco (I left likeusually once or twice a month around 9 pm, when the child is bought and fed). But she always went with a scandal. They argued because I supposedly didn’t care about the child, I abandoned him. That's how we lived. I don’t know how to cook, clean, or educate, according to my mother. I always tried not to focus on this, saying that you are like this, and I am different. This is where they disagreed.

In April 2016, I began a relationship with a man whom I had already known for about a year. Left himhis wife with small children always tried to support him, telling him to visit them more often and help. She said that they would make peace, you just need to visit them more often. Since she lives in another city, she tried to go there almost every week. Over the course of a year of such friendly support (by the way, we didn’t see each other often, about 10 times) we met once in the spring and never parted. My child took it well and the young man treats the child well. Becausea visiting man (he is from Crimea) always rented an apartment in Kiev. We often visited him with the child, my mother began to say: “Why give suchmoney , when you have a place to live, move to us.” We thought about it and decided to listen to the advice (by that time I was already pregnant).

There was a miscarriage in mid-August, and we moved in with our parents in September. In November they submitted an application to the registry office. And then it began. For my mother, everything was wrong. And that we close the door to the room and there is not enough space in the refrigerator for her, and so on. Well, when we put a lock on the inner door of the room, the roof was completely blown away. The lock is not from her, but so that the child does not run in at an unnecessary moment. The child slept in another room, but more often with my mother. In general, a nightmare began. She didn’t even want to go to the wedding, but after talking with her sister, she was moved in the opposite direction, and she began to prepare for the wedding. January and February were relatively calm. Although there were conversations that, they say, you will cry with him and don’t you see that he bosses you around and remembered your husband’s children, said why his wife left him, they don’t leave normal people and that his children are going (my husband always sent money). And then in April (I confessed to my mother that I was pregnant again) she was losing her head again and what she had before her marriage multiplied many times over. This is the section of the refrigerator, and the eternal reproaches with the stove,, which took the frying pan and the epic.

Coming home from work one day, she started tugging at me for every reason - “put away the pan,” “wash the frying pan,” “why did you take this, you’ll ruin it.” (By the way, I was cooking dinner then) and the soup stinks for her, and wash the floor at the stove and when you rent the apartment, so that my eyes don’t see you. Then my husband couldn’t stand it, he comes into the kitchen and says: “Why are you pulling her, you want her to have a miscarriage again.” This was all, of course, in slightly elevated tones, but not tragic. Mymy brother was also in the kitchen at that time, he maderemark to the husband: “don’t talk to my mother in that tone.” The husband told him that he was talking to her normally and that it was none of his business. To which my brother jumped up and slammed his head into my husband’s nose. A fight broke out. Dad came running, and no, to separate them, he also started jumping on my husband. After that, within 2 days we found and rented an apartment.

When we left, there was general trash. I listened to this: “What are you saying to me, is going to breed, and say thank you that you got at least some man” (knowing that I haven’t had any relationships for a long time) I’m still offended, It seems that this did not happen to me. Now she calls the child and asks to come visit. The husband is terribly angry and considers the child almost a traitor. I defend the little one, I say, he didn’t quarrel with her and he is a child and may miss his grandmother. Since I did not take out the wardrobe and bed, my dad told me that if you bring the child, you will receive a shelf from the wardrobe, and she also changed the locks in the apartment on the same day. This is such a chaotic and not very coherent story, for this I apologize and of course your thoughtsadvice to me inhelp . How to live with this further?

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