My wife's parents think I'm not their type

My wife's parents think I'm not their type
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I got married three years ago, we live with my wife’s parents, who consider me a person outside their circle. They are wealthy, used to living beautifully, everything in their house is good and expensive - from furniture to dishes. But I don’t live at their expense, I work, there’s enough money for my wife and I.

Relations with my mother-in-law and father-in-law are not working out; they are all waiting for Alena to change her mind and divorce me. Have no children,my wife said she was not ready for this yet. But I think that the reason is precisely her parents, who forbid her to give birth, so as not to be left alone with my child. She listens to them in everything - that’s how she was raised, but maybe she’s afraidto be left alone , since she was dating a guy before me, buthe never asked her to marry . He is also from a wealthy family and theirhe apparently wasn't interested in money .

He offered Alena to live separately, while renting an apartment, and at the same time pay off her own, at least one-room apartment, but she doesn’t want to leave her parents, she says that she can’t do this to them, it will really offend them, because she’s the only onedaughter _ I doubt more and more her love for me, otherwise she would not behave this way, she would want to save the family, and not follow the lead of her father and mother. I also don’t understand the parents who interfere in our lives, don’t they really wantwas your daughter happy?

A separate conversation about my parents, who we have never visited. Nobody simply invited them, considering, like me, people not in their circle. My wife was at my house only once, when she met her parents, but now I always go to them alone.

Every time I visit my parents, my mother-in-law tells Alena that I buy too expensive things for my dad and mom and then live at their expense, although this is not true. I earn money and cannot afford to come to mom and dad empty-handed. My mother is very offended by this attitude; lately she has been insisting that I move home and arrange my personal life, like all normal people. Maybe she's right, it will be better for everyone.

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