Native strangers

Native strangers
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My eldest hates mesister . She is several years older than me, we grew up separately, she was given to her grandparents, and I was given to my mother and father. As a child, I remember how my dad constantly scolded her and was strict with her, but he loved me. As a child, I was a daddy's girl. But when I was 7 years old, my dad started drinking, there were scandals, fights,the family was falling apart. Soonmy father and mother finally divorced, my father slowly became an alcoholic, and we went to see my grandfather. I lived with him,mom , grandpa and my sister.

With sisterthe relationship was incomprehensible, then she beat me for wrongdoing, then felt sorry for me, for some reason did not let me go out for a walk, if she let me go, then for an hour and God forbid I was late. A couple of years later, my grandfather died, the three of us stayed in his apartment. My sister immediately left after schoolgot married and brought herhusband to our house. This is where hell began for me.

My mother was constantly at work, my sister and child were at home, but when my nephew turned 3 years old, all responsibilities were assigned to me. I took him to the garden, went to school, after school I cooked for everyone, cleaned, went to the garden to pick up my nephew. In the evening everyone returned from work, cleaned up dinner, taught homework and went to bed. Sometimes when my nephew was sick, I didn’t go to school and went to the hospital with him, I also walked only with him, in general, I was a second nanny. They bullied me, they didn’t let me go to practice at basketball competitions, they said that I was stupid, that I didn’t study, they didn’t take my opinion into account, they constantly shut my mouth, I practiced all thismy sister's husband , he considered this education (so that I would not become spoiled). My mother fully supported them, the three of them were a team, the three of them discussed all matters often at the next feast, and I remained on the sidelines, like, what to take from me.

Time passed, by the 11th grade I already knew for sure that I would leave home for the capital. My mother didn’t want to let me in, she was worried, but my sister’s husband, on the contrary, was in favor, in general, she and her sister happily sent me away. In the capital, I did not deteriorate as many predicted; one day my sister came to close her correspondence course. She came home from university drunk and attacked me, beat me for several hours, then beat me, then felt sorry for me and said: “you are my beloved sister, but you should not live.” I barely escaped, returned to my city, rested for a month and left. There was no apology from my sister. Everything somehow got confused over time and everyone somehow forgot about it, but not me. A year before my marriage, she, as always in a drunken stupor, threw herself at me. Mom stood between us and shouted: “May you never get married and may you not have children.” But I don’t remember how, over time everything was forgotten for everyone. But II can't forget . I got married at 24, my husband and I love each other very much, there is respect andlove and tenderness. Again, my sister didn’t have this, she got married at 18, her husband didn’t want to marry her because of her lifestyle, she threatened to commit suicide, cried that she loved him, brought him food, did laundry his things, and he broke down and got married. And I also know that he and his mother bewitched him by sewing some kind of package into the pillowcase.

Over time, their relationship became worse, they seemed to be together, they had a job, they rented out a house in the capital, they had three children, but there was no love, they often both drank. I thought, maybe this is purely female envy? That I went to the capital, lived for myself, was in no hurry to get married, and married for love. But we haven’t had children for several years, and we were visiting them, and my sister said to my husband: “you’re so tall and handsome, and she’s constantly sick, doesn’t get pregnant, so why are you with her.” Honestly, I was shocked. But she didn’t raise a scandal. I'm trying to limitcommunication , but my mother asks me to communicate because I’m sisters, and I’m afraid and don’t want to let her get close. When she calls, I talk calmly, but she considers it necessary to ask several times why I’m so sad, am I sick? Something happened? Nothing happened, I just don’t like to talk artificially And from our cousins ​​I often hear her speak about me, saying that when she came down from heaven to earth, she left and became a star, but I’m not like that.

I never wrote what was on my soul, and certainly never spoke to anyone, I began to think about a good psychologist or courses in psychology, becauseproblems start from childhood. I have no friends, I am a closed person and I don’t trust anyone, my closest person is my husband. But I understand that he will also get away from my eternal soul-searching and depression. Now my sister and her husband have gotten back on their feet, moved out from their mother, and their mother is retired. They avoid her, don’t invite her to visit, she and her mother are no longer interested, apparently, they no longer need financial support. And my mother has now taken charge of me, calling me 10 times a day, asking where my husband is, what is going on and how we are, trying to control me and saying: “I am your mother and I will always be there whether you want it or not.” But when I needed your attention and love, you, like your sister, didn’t care. Now what do you want from me, my relatives and strangers?

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