Romantic story about a red swimsuit

Romantic story about a red swimsuit
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to tell you an unusual story from my life. It happened in the summer three years ago.

On the one hand, this story is quite unusual and romantic, on the other hand, my conscience still torments me a little and I am tormented by doubts as to whether I did the right thing then. Perhaps, from the outside, the readers of this site will know better and advise me what to do better.

That summer, my friend Olya and I (we were both 24 years old, we went to parallel classes) decided to go on vacation to the sea. ThroughInternet chose an inexpensive tour. Soon the two of them went to the Turkish coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Together, because Neither Olya nor I had a soulmate at that time.

I won’t talk about the vacation itself. I can only say that we were more than satisfied with everything there: an excellent hotel, ideal weather, a well-groomed beach and a clear turquoise sea. The neighbors were less fortunate. Some companies were quite noisy and behaved worse than they could have.

But everyone has their own level of upbringing and their own idea of ​​the appropriateness of their behavior. Right? Moreover, I have noticed more than once how quite decent people in a half-drunk company begin to behave like pigs in order to “keep up with the team.” But I digress.

On the fourth day of our vacation, my friend and I bought a new swimsuit each in a small local store, which we wandered into by chance during an excursion. The swimsuits were of the same model. Only mine was yellow, and Olin’s was red. We really liked this style, I had seen the same red swimsuit on mine beforegirlfriends .

Satisfied with ourselves, we returned to our room. We tried on our purchases and went to the beach in them. Since our figures are practically the same (we generally look alike, strangers often consider us sisters), we looked just great in our fashionable swimsuits.

They attracted extra attention. Catching interested male glances. Unfortunately, things didn't go further than glances. No one ever tried to get to know us.

The next day, in the evening, when we were getting ready to go to the beach, I noticed a large stain on my new yellow swimsuit. Apparently, I sat on left by someone and chewing gum that had softened in the sun. I noticed this only the next day. The swimsuit could have been thrown away, which really ruined my mood. I didn't want to go anywhere. Olya did not share my pessimism and, in her new red swimsuit, went to the beach to admire the sunset, joining the company of our neighbors.

By the way, about the neighbors. There was a young couple living on our floor next to our room. The guy seemed very nice to me. I didn’t have any plans for him, because... I think, to put it mildly, it’s wrong to beat off other people’s busy men. We simply said hello and smiled at each other when we met. Without even knowing each other's names.

Olya arrived from the beach in the morning. Cheerful and excited. Waking me up, she told me that that night she met our neighbor Vova (she also liked him). The whole group had fun on the beach until the morning.

By the way myA friend found out that this sweet couple had a huge quarrel today. Histhe girl left him here alone and returned home. Olya made Napoleonic plans to conquer her handsome neighbor.

But seeing my sour face, to celebrate, she promised to give me her red swimsuit. In order not to argue with her (I had no desire to argue with my sleepy, drunken friend), I agreed.

The next day, late in the evening, when Olya finally slept off after her fun night, the two of us went to the beach. I was sunbathing, and Olya was swimming far from the shore, when Vova approached me. He began to communicate with me quite easily on various meaningless topics.

At first I didn’t understand why he just approached me like that and why he behaved as if we had known each other for a long time. And then I realized that he simply confused me with Olya, whom he met that night.

Since it was completely dark then, my friend and I look alike, and now I was wearing her red swimsuit. Vova just confused us. At first I didn’t correct him out of curiosity and mischief. Then I was already embarrassed to admit my deception.

That same evening, Vova and I kissed for the first time, and the next night I stayed in his room. To be honest, I perceived ourrelationship as an easy, non-committal resortan affair with a very attractive man. But fate decreed otherwise.

Upon returning home, we continued to meet. A year and a half later they got married. I still can't believe myhappiness . Imarried to the best man in the world!

Only sometimes do I remember the story of our acquaintance. I remember the swimsuit Olya gave me and feel a little guilty. Neither Vova nor Olya ever found out about my “forgery” on the beach. It is quite possible that if I had not done this, now she, and not me, would be his wife.

Sometimes it seems to me that I stole someone else’s happiness and that this will definitely come back to haunt me in the future. I try to push these thoughts away from myself, but they come back again and again. I have no one to tell about my mental anguish. That's why I decided to write thisconfession ​Thank you very much in advance for your helpfuladviсe .

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