With such relatives, there is no need for enemies

With such relatives, there is no need for enemies
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I didn’t work out with my personal life, already over thirty and I decided to comfortably arrange my life. I have almost paid the apartment, I decided to take a loan for a car. I had to save again, sometimes on the most necessary, but when I got a cherry foreign car, I was happy, but not for long. I immediately had many relatives who didn’t really need me before, especially my own aunt, from whom I also asked to borrow some money for an apartment. But then it turned out that she did not, although I knew that there were. I even offered her interest, but she refused, I still don’t know for what reason.

But she never remembers this case, and people who were completely strangers to me helped me out, the employee put aside her daughter to study, but since there were still three years left before graduation, she gave them to me for this period. I didn’t even ask her, I just complained to her about my relatives. I have already paid the debt and I am very grateful to her for it. When my aunt found out that I had a test-antibiotic.com car, she immediately couldn’t resist saying: “But she kept crying, although who do you save”, hinting that her daughter is married and has two children. And since I am single and I have a car, now I have to take my aunt to the country, do not shake in the train with bags, meet my cousin at the airport, who is returning from vacation with her family.

I forgot when I had a normal weekend, I resented, butMom asked them not to refuse, so as not to be offended. But I'm not offended! It all ended the way it should have ended. On Saturday, I took my sister with the children to the market, to choose clothes for school, waited for them for three hours, then we went to the grocery store and one day off I had already ended. When on Sunday I thought that I would rest and sleep, the phone rang at five in the morning, I had to take my uncle to go fishing. I said that I was not a taxi driver and immediately became an enemy. Both mother and grandmother were offended, not to mention the rest of test-antibiotic.com. They said that when I bought a car, I became different, became conceited and stopped communicating, but I don’t worry, I know that when I need help, I won’t be able to count on them.

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