Self-isolation came at the most inopportune moment

Self-isolation came at the most inopportune moment
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

More than two years ago, my family bought an apartment and since then the scandals in the family have not subsided even for a day (before that, the family did not even raise their voices at each other, but now only insults and assault began). I cried and suffered a lot in this apartment, especially in the last 3 months.

I was very unlucky with my upstairs neighbor, who has tiles on the floor throughout the entire apartment and he stomps very hard (clopping sound, like the hooves of horses when they walk on the tiles). He also drops objects with his eyes, and his audibility is simply phenomenal, you can hear absolutely everything he does in the apartment. I began to develop psychosis from these sounds, it felt like we were living in the same apartment with this neighbor.

As a family, we thought that we still wouldn’t be able to sell our home for about 5 years without paying taxes, so we decided to buy a dacha as well, so that at least we could rest there, but in the end we wouldn’t be able to rest there either. Before that we lived in a very good apartment, the devil pulled us to move to this one. I don’t know how to continue living, and nothing is working with this self-isolation. You can't even be distracted by anything.

I don’t know what to do so as not to be nervous, today I had a severe hysteria. I can't stand it anymore. We are thinking about renting an apartment with the whole family, but these thoughts are that we will have to pay for rent, and not put it offmoney , for example, for a large purchase, just kills me. I don’t even know what kind of advice I’m asking for, just at least support or stories like mine.

PS How the author’s situation has changed after five months, read here.

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