Sex before marriage with a religious couple

Sex before marriage with a religious couple
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to describe my problem, which is usually not discussed. I am a religious girl, myguy too. We have been together for three years now, everything is perfect with us: patriarchy, I obey him in everything, we do not quarrel. When we first started dating, we had sex, chic. We were each other's first.

And six months ago we were bridged and we decided that everything - since we are not married, we should not sin with fornication. And now, for half a year, I, a busy girl of 20 years old, have been living without sex with a live MCH with not weak dignity. Sometimes we get to "games", but no more. I have already cursed everything in the world, I persuade him, but he doesn’t give a damn, although he himself looks at me with wild eyes. The fact is that he has willpower - you still have to look for such people, he is a former professional athlete. I do not know what to do. I don’t want other guys, let alone change. We can’t play a wedding yet, although we are engaged - there is no stability in money, and I’m still learning. Of course, I admire him, but it's very hard for me. I understand that this is my and his faith. It’s just that sometimes I’m wildly happy that we abstain, and sometimes…

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