Husband's family

Husband's family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We got married 2 years ago. My husband said that we would live with his family for some time, and I, naive, believed it, although myMom said that he would leave me there forever. And now it’s been three years since we’ve been living with his mother, father and his sisters.

He saves mefather , he loves me and doesn’t let my mother-in-law yell at me too much. But still, I can’t live like this anymore, everything is on me, it feels like his sisters are my children: take him to school, bring him from school, check the lessons, take him to clubs, bring him from clubs, cleaning, cooking all this on to me.

Moreover, myMy husband also gives his entire salary not to me, but to his mother. When I ask why he does this, my husband replies: “this is my mother, she collects them, and he added that I should also give some part of my business to his mother.” I categorically refused, saying that they were minemoney , and I should have it, since there are basic things that I have to buy, and I don’t want to ask his mother for my own money.

Because of this, we had a scandal, and I also said that it would be better for me to give the money to my mother, since I am the only one for my parentsdaughter and only I help them. The husband got angry and started shouting: “You will give all the money to my mother if necessary!”

This offended me very much and I’m already starting to think about divorce, because I don’t intend to tolerate this, and my mother-in-law likes to addfuel the fire and talk about my arrogance and impudence.

Can you please tell me what to do? I love him very much, and he loves me too, we just both have very strong characters, and we can’t find a compromise.

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