My sister and mom say I'm materialistic

My sister and mom say I'm materialistic
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We live in a small town with my husband and three children in a one-room service apartment, and mya sister with two children lives in her parents' house with her mother. The house is large, two floors. She also hasapartment , but she cannot live there, since at 30 she remains childish. She divorced the children's father because of his drunkenness, partying and rare but spectacular appearances.

I was always very worried about her, about her children, I tried to help as much as I could, both financially and gifts for the children, since she herself was not at all worried about the fact that they needed toys, for example. They are usually worn by our ex-mother-in-law andMother . In general, everyone always feels sorry for them and helps them.

My sister works every other day, the children are small, so she regularly left them with us, although it’s cramped in the one-room apartment, but where can we go?family . And my mother always supported me, saying: “you are family, you should help each other.”

She, of course, also helped, looked after my children from time to time (I’m not on maternity leave, and after finishing my sick leave I immediately go to work). Our apartment is cramped, we need to buy our own housing, which means we need to earn money. In general, we had a symbiosis.

But then she came out againmarried a man 15 years older than her, who immediately showed himself to be thrifty, hard-working, and very sociable. True, it immediately became clear that he was a terrible braggart, and he was telling all this about himself. She also brought him to her parents' house.

Then my mother found a job in Moscow and went to live there. And my sister no longer needs me, since she is now left with the children.husband when she’s on shift, and apparently it’s difficult for her to sit with my small child for 3 hours a week.

At my parents’ house, someone else’s uncle started shouting at my children, putting them in a corner, they stopped even talking there. When I finally decided to talk almost six months later (I really reproach myself for putting up with it for so long, I’m just a peace-loving person, I endure to the last), they told me that the new husband is the master in this house, he doesn’t at all Primak, and with our visits to his two-story house once a week we infringe on his personal space.

My parents didn’t say a word against him, neither did my sister; they generally forbid her to say anything, because she “will cry.” I began to be indignant that we were cramped in the one-room apartment; we should at least come to rest mentally (my husband, by the way, never came there). Yes, and I came with the children mainly when my husband was after a night out (he has a schedule of five nights in a row, two days off, and five a day), because if the children are at home after his night out, he won’t have any rest, in any case they won’t let him sleep .

In general, no one listened to me, they accused me of commercialism, allegedly I was trying to take possession of the house, and that because of me my sister would sell her apartment (in which, by the way, a year and a half ago, my new husband began renovating: he dismantled the floor, filled half of it, and half is lazy, the apartment is littered with garbage and cement) and will give it to memoney so that she doesn’t interfere with them.

By the way, since she was accused of commercialism, and all her relatives collected money for her apartment, and the price was 600-700 thousand. A house in the city center - 5 million. And she has already been bequeathed to her dacha.

Why is that? But because she is the most compassionate and fair. Mom says so. And now he says that I’m wrong, I’ve created a scandal, it’s not clear what I want.

It all started in the winter, the day after my sister passed her exam (she is a first-year student at the institute as a correspondence student). I did half the tasks for her, wrote essays, studied new subjects for her, and all this at night, becausea child of two months old did not allow him to do anything during the day, and besides him there were still 3 and 5 years old. So, on the last day, she dragged me to the exam along with the baby, where I quickly passed the computer test for her with an A, she thanked me enthusiastically, lamented that she owed me so much that she couldn’t pay it off, and from the next day the payment began - how described above. Now I’m thinking: “Am I really mercantile?”

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