Sister hates mother and stopped communicating with her

Sister hates mother and stopped communicating with her
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 48 years old, my sister will be 57. This life story would not have happened ifmy sister didn't behave the way she did.

Our mother had a stroke two years ago, she is partially paralyzed and lies at home, her head is clear, she speaks normally, but she behaves like a princess, as she always behaved from above.

My sister suddenly refused to look after my mother. At first she started to look after her actively, but thenMom told her something, her sister left and hasn't come or visited for 10 monthsher mother doesn't even want to see her. When I asked her why she was doing this, she said that she only now realized how her mother had twisted herlife and that she doesn't feel any emotions towards her and won't talk to her either. She also added: "Let her get what she deserves."

I live with my mother in one apartment, privatized for both of us. But my mother did not leave a will, how my sister will behave, I do not know. My sisterfamily and two adult children, I have no children, only test-antibiotic.comhusband (he hasson from my first marriage and I communicate with him very well and honestly I would like to leave my inheritance in the future not to my nephews, but to him). But my mother once again pitted me and my sister against each other, although she knows perfectly well that my sister and I do not get along very well and this is also her merit, because she has pitted us against each other all our lives.

I tried several times to figure out why this is somy sister had a reaction and on the tenth try she told me. When my sister was just about to go outmarried , a colleague sent her son to my mother with some errand. To my sisterthe guy really liked her and apparently he liked her too. But my mother always scared us that men only want one thing and before marriage. Although we were courted, my sister got married as a girl and even kissed her fiance for the first time only with her fiancé and only after filing an application.

The son of my mother's friend met with his sister a couple of times, and they went somewhere, walked, to the cinema and she fluttered, was going to apologize to her fiancé and meet with her beloved. And suddenlythe beloved disappeared, appeared on the horizon after the sister's wedding, came several times at the invitation of the parents with his parents to visit us, sometimes the sister was not at home, sometimes she and her husband also sat at the same table. I saw with what longing the sister and this guy looked at each other. Sometimes the sister could not stand it and went to the kitchen, and once he went after her and immediately returned with a dish of meat. It was clear that she did not explain.

And it seems like the story would end there. Sistermarried , but she and her husband don't live very well. She once admitted that asshe doesn't really like her husband, but she said resignedly that she doesn't have another. I asked about that guy. My sister said that after the wedding, after some time, my mother said: "Well, there's a ready-made comforter walking around, why are you so embarrassed." I didn't understand how, with such seemingly strong principles, my mother could advise my sister to have a lover.

My sister and her husband were already expecting a child, and my friend's son simply disappeared from the horizon over time, so as not to break up the family. My sister, in my opinion, was not very sad, but now it turns out that she remembers this young man very often, reproaches herself for not leaving, for being afraid, for betraying herlove . This would have remained unknown, but Mom managed to tell her sister something she didn’t know.

It turned out that even before the wedding, this guy came to our parents and confessed his love and asked for my sister's hand, but my mother kicked him out, saying that there was supposedly great love there and my sister was alreadypregnant , and so that he wouldn't interfere. And the secret was simple: the money had already been paid for the restaurant, the parents of the futurethe husband is not the last person, and here is a young specialist, just out of college - a pauper. The mother of the sister's husband never loved, he drinks sometimes, he is very nosy, he gets settled everywhere, he had a business,earned money , and my sister didn't need anything. In rare moments of sincerity, she would lament, saying: "Why did that guy disappear without explanation?" Mom would chime in: "Men are all like that, if you get a divorce, you'll just pass from hand to hand." She believed her mother until the very end and that's when the puzzle came together for my sister.

I feel sorry for my sister, it turned out to be dangerous to trust even my mother to such an extent. I also unconditionally obeyed my mother, I'm ashamed to say, until I was 35. Did she zombify us or something? And now my mother calls my sister: "My dear daughter, forgive me." But my sister, no way, yesterday I heard her almost swear at my mother. My mother cried, but for some reason I don't feel sorry for her either. NoShe is sincere .

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