Strong and lonely woman

Strong and lonely woman
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Now I'm 45 years old, I'm sitting in my house and remembering all mylife . All my life I have been a careerist, and I have always put my career above everything else. At first it wassport ,my mother raised me to be an athlete and wanted me to be the best.

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, it’s hard to say now, the injury put an end to my sports future and my mother’s dreams. After sports, I received a higher education, and after the difficult 90s I was able to first open my own business, and later raise it to impressive heights. I'm happy with all this. And now about what I still regret.

I live alone, no, of course, I have relatives,brother and sister, and a bunch of nephews, but I don’t have my own family, my beloved man and my own children, and it’s all my fault. I was married,my husband was a gentle, kind, reliable and loving person, and I was an arrogant, typical, brainless fool. I thoughthusband with a rag and a mattress. At a certain moment I spunhad an affair with a business partner and, after prolonged infidelities, divorced her husband. My lover turned out to be a filthy person and almost took away my business, but I was able to defend my position and get back at him for everything in full.

Afterwards there were more men andrelationships are of varying degrees of lousy, but I still haven’t found happiness. My last boyfriend was 11 years younger than me, I wantedgive birth to his child and saw my life with him, buthealth problems , myjealousy and constant scandals took their toll and he simply left. And just recently I saw my ex-husband, his wife, children and grandchildren.

Now I really regret everything, I rethought a lot and understood a lot, but, unfortunately, it’s too late. I have almost everything and nothing at the same time, I don’t need anythingmoney , no conditions, no business, I would give everything for my family, children and my beloved man, but it’s too late. I ruined my own life. People like me are called “strong independent women,” but in fact we are fools who don’t want to see anything behind our character of selfishness, stupidity and stubbornness. So all that remains is to write your story anonymously on such sites, drink expensive cognac, smoke and regret, terribly regret that you yourself have ruined your life.

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