Son of an ex-lover

Son of an ex-lover
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Mythe confession is a bit like the plot of a TV series for women, but it is really a true story from life, to my great regret. I hadmistress 12 years ago. Although at that time I generally had many mistresses, since with my wifethe relationship was heading towards a breakdown. But she was special - a fire woman. In every sense, not only in sex, it gave great pleasurecommunication with her, we could chat for hours on the phone. She was also not free.

One day one of my former friends asked me to take her and her child to another city. She found out and threw a scandal at me. She said something like she was ready to put up with my wife, but she wasn’t going to put up with other women. She said that she had feelings for me. I was dumbfounded by such impudence - she herselfmarried _ Actually, I expressed these thoughts to her. After that, I didn’t see her again - she wrote me a text message that she was breaking off the relationship.

At first I just shrugged my shoulders: I’ll find a bunch of these for 5 kopecks. Then I realized that I couldn’t without her. It feels like the air around me has been sucked out and I’m suffocating. Started to freak outmy wife kicked me out of the house, although we only had so fara son was born. I don’t know how it would have ended, but my wife died suddenlymother , I had to return to the family to take care of the children because my wife was depressed. He buried and concreted his own experiences.

And here, in fact, is the problem that has surfaced. My daughter is 22 years old. I recently met a guy and started dating. I can’t say anything bad about the guy, he has already graduated from college, works, and rents a house. In general, at 24 years old he is quite independentman _ True, from the day we met, I was haunted by the thought that I had already seen him somewhere. And those cognac-colored eyes. I couldn't stand it and asked him. And he answers: everyone says that I look very much like my mother. So you decided that you knew me. You and my mother worked. Of course, I ask the question: who do we have?Mom , and if we knew each other, he’s here at what?

What followed was a story: his mother never communicated on the Internet, was never on social networks. He persuaded her to create a VKontakte page, saying that she could find many acquaintances there. She did just that. I also found my page. Told him we were exescolleagues . And herethe guy saw a photo of my daughter and decided to meet her. The acquaintance was successful, and now he wants to introduce our family to his. All that remains is to look at the photo of his mother. I think it’s already clear to you who I saw on it. By the way, we were never colleagues. I was embarrassed to tell my son that we were lovers.

There is not enough anger towards her. Why the hell did she get into mine again?life dragged me into thisdaughter _ The guy , however, says that she herself does not know who her son is dating, but I believe that she is indirectly to blame for this. I don’t want any communication with her, much less become relatives. But I don’t see any other way than to get acquainted and pretend that we’ve never met each other. I want to look at her face when we go to see her with the whole family.

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