My son and daughter-in-law cheated us with an apartment

My son and daughter-in-law cheated us with an apartment
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My problem is the apartmentquestion . We have two sons. One lives with his grandmother in the northern capital, and there are no problems with him at all, and the other lives with us. Actually, we are talking about him.

He is the eldest and already has a wife and daughter. Previously, they lived separately in our parents' apartment, which myfather . We privatized it, and at that time there was only onechild . So my parents refused privatization, and it turned out thatan apartment for three people - me,husband and son.

My parents have long since passed away. When the youngest was born, my grandmother from St. Petersburg immediately wrote a deed of gift for him, and then, when he grew up, he happily moved to St. Petersburg with her and entered Leningrad State University there. During our working career, my husband and I were able to buy a fairly large, spacious apartment in the Moscow region, which has now also become part of Moscow as a result of the expansion of Moscow.

And so my husband and I retired and decided to move to the sea. Sell this privatized apartment and move my son and daughter-in-law an apartment in New Moscow, and for ourselves a house with a garden by the sea. And if we had stayedmoney , then think about where to invest. We talked about our plans with my son, and he agreed and my daughter-in-law did not object.

When the deal had already taken place and we came to the bank to receive the money, thenmy son suddenly said that he wouldn't give us his share. The cell was written out for two (me and my son) and I had to agree with it, not to make a scandal at the bank. WhenMy husband found out about this, called our son and tried to talk to him, but our son said: "You won't be able to bend me, this is my share and I don't care about the rest." He and his daughter-in-law announced that they needed this contribution for the mortgage.

During the transaction, my son and his family had to be registered somewhere, and since nothing foreshadowed anything bad, we registered them in our Novomoskovsk apartment. Everything was calm for several months, and then the complaints began: firstmy daughter-in-law told me that she had complaints about me as a grandmother, then more, when I asked her to pay proportionally for utilities, I received the following in response: “You don’t buy presents for your granddaughter, here’s myMom brings something to her granddaughter every week, even for 100 rubles, but you don’t, so we won’t pay for utilities, we’ll keep it to account for the gifts that weren’t given.”

To be fair, I don't buy ugly cheap Chinese trifles, and I don't think it's necessary to spoil my granddaughter like that. She gets good expensive gifts 4 times a year - New Year , Birthday , March 8 and name day. That's how it is.

And then the complaints and scandals started snowballing. My daughter-in-law started calling me names and scolding her husband, and my son is silent and sometimes stops his wife, but reluctantly. He doesn't reprimand her, when I asked him: "How long will this go on?" I heard in response: "But we have rights here and don't want to move out, and it's not profitable for us to take out a mortgage yet." We finally found a house for ourselves and agreed to come and see it in real life in May. But we don't know what to do with my son. Now, after the scandals, we practically don't talk to them at all. We don't go near our granddaughter, we don't help our daughter-in-law. In short, we got the utilities. Thank you, son!

My husband said that he will no longer communicate with such people, he will write a will/deed of gift to the younger one. He suggests moving to the seaside for good in the summer (we hope that we will like the house), and put the apartment up for sale together with the tenants. I dissuade him, I want to resolve everything peacefully and leave peacefully. Maybe they will finally understand that a bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

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