My son cannot forgive me for leaving my family

My son cannot forgive me for leaving my family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Five years ago I left my wife for another woman. He accepted her child from her first marriage and established good relations with him.relationship _ The baby was 4 years old, he did not know his father. He quickly got used to me and began calling me dad.

My own son was 10 years old at the time of my wife and I’s divorce. Already a grown boy, I hoped that he could understand andforgive my decision to leave my family. I talked to him, explained that we no longer have love with his mother, that I am not going anywhere and will always be there. My son wanted me to take him with me. But the current onemy wife was categorically against it. She said that she did not agree to wash and cook for one more mouth and let him into her apartment. I left my wife and I’s home to her, so I agreed to this condition.

In any case, the ex-wife did not want to give him up, she threatened him, and insisted that he would be better off with his mother. The son was very offended and angry, and the ex-wife added fuel to the fire, trying to make hurt me more through him. She said that I didn’t love him and was leaving him. I set it up in every possible way. She couldn't forgive me for leaving. I tried not to pay attention, I also called and came to my son. We saw each other more often on neutral territory, I met him in the evening from the sports section, took him home and to school, took him to the cinema and the park. On weekends we went somewhere on vacation with my current family. Although the wife did not particularly welcome this, she behaved politely, never showing her displeasure.

A year later, the ex-wife brought a man to the apartment. She had met him before, but now they decided to move in together. My son increasingly asked me for meetings and asked me to visit. But after his visits, my wife and I invariably had scandals, so I refused. He began to get angry, often take it out on me, shouted and blamed me and his ex-wife for all his problems. And then he started running away from classes, skipping sections, and coming home late.

At first I tried to stop this, talk to my son, convince him that should not behave this way, but he did not listen. Then I decided to influence through my ex-wife. And in the end I realized that she simply had no time for him. Shepregnant and goingmarried _ And the new husband is disgusted by ourson _ I would like to take him, but my wife gave me an ultimatum - either she and her son and our daughter together, or my son from my first marriage. Even if I chose my son, we would have nowhere to live. The court would not have left it to me.

However, the son did not listen, got angry, and got on both of my ex-wife’s nerves. As a result, he stopped communicating with me completely. He even ignored me when I tried to meet. The more I tried to interfere with himlife , the more he pushed me away. And my children and wife were always waiting for me at home,problems requiring solutions. We began to move further and further away from each other, and stopped seeing each other completely.

I'm losing my son. It seems to me that now he doesn’t need me at all. The ex-wife is all up in new troubles and doesn’t even want to talk more about this topic, a priori considering me to be to blame. And I don’t know what else I can do.

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