The son made peace with his wife, but stopped communicating with us

The son made peace with his wife, but stopped communicating with us
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am almost 60 years old, my eldest son is almost 40 years old. He didn’t marry for a long time, he lived with us, and at the age of 28 he met a woman with a child, they got together, butlife somehow didn’t work out right away. They lived together, then separated. He came to us, complained about her, we supported him.

It took a long time. Despite suchrelationship between son and daughter-in-law, they had their owndaughter . Things didn’t work out with our daughter-in-law after all this; we hardly see our granddaughter. For the last three years, he suddenly stopped running to us, we don’t know how, but they began to live more friendly, and my husband and I were left out of their lives. And no matter what I do now, he, one might say, does not communicate with us at all, butdaughter-in-law even more so. We simply ceased to exist for them.

I tried to ask for forgiveness and call, but all in vain. It feels like we are not there for them at all. It's very painful and upsetting. We are not to blame for anything at all. He came to us after their quarrel, we didn’t set things up, we just supported him. There was no way to kick your own son out of the house!

What to do? How to establish relationships with them?

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