Nobody wants to be my friend

Nobody wants to be my friend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 17 years old and since childhood I have been a loser, everywhere and always last, be it games or a queue to see a psychologist. They don't want to be friends with me. It’s a very rare occurrence for someone to take initiative, even in companies I’m the last one, I’m always oppressed, they don’t want to hug me like they do with others, I’m always treated worse than everyone else. I take the initiative personally, I try to fit inteam , but it is useless, they are friends with me only out of despair and then when they are completely bored. I don’t have any friends, and the ones that I have, I don’t consider them as such, they are not interested in myproblems , they also write to me out of boredom. I tried to tell someone about the problems. Nobody needs them, everyone just pours out their souls to me and leaves. The thing is, I'm not a bad person, I have kindness and empathy for people, but they don't care about it.

They didn't like me at school either. After finishing school, I went to college (after 9th grade). Mom told me: “a new one is beginning.”life and you are a new person.” I tried to show my good qualities, be friends with everyone and participate everywhere. But everything fell apart, they didn’t take me anywhere and didn’t recognize me, just as I spent 9 years alone at school, I continue to do so. When I first entered, I tried to be sociable, at first I was friends with one girl, but with my help she made her way to the elite and forgot about me, the second case is similar. The second time they turned me off very cruelly, saying: “I don’t want to be friends with you, don’t impose yourself.” And the first week everything was fine.

I remember an incident, it so happened that in college, right during classes, I cried, no one even rushed to console me, no one asked what happened, as if I was not there. And when another girl cried, the whole group began to console her. Guys don't pay attention to me either, I tried to start on my owncommunication , getting to know each other, but it all ended in failure, they lost interest very quickly.

Now, I’m already in my second year and our group was disbanded, I was sent to another group, but even there I can’t make friends with anyone. They don’t ask me for anything, they don’t ask me, they don’t even ask me to hand over a pen. I don't understand what I did? Maybe it’s because of my height above normal (180 cm) and weight (87 kg)? This makes me so sad and lonely. Sometimes I even cry from this awareness of uselessness.

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