Agreed to give birth to please her husband

Agreed to give birth to please her husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a difficult timeattitude towards children. I like to tinker with them and play, but if it doesn’t last long. I have it myselfdaughter from her first marriage, gave birth at 17 years old. She defended the child, raised her with the help of her mother, in general, it was difficult financially. I love her madly, but again I can’t spend long time with her. But she is already an adult, she is 11 years old,The relationship has already been established and both are satisfied. She divorced her father when she was 2.5 years old, she doesn’t really remember him.

I became friends with my second husband. We have a good relationship, honest and trusting. Seven years together. At the very beginning I said that I didn’t want children, and he calmly accepted my daughter as his own. SecondShe didn’t love her husband , but she respected her immensely and did not cheat. He loves and appreciates me, and is ready to do anything for my daughter and me.

My husband is reala man , one you can really rely on. Always for the family, works hard, respects, values, never says a bad word. In general, everything was not bad for seven years. Like everyone had andproblems with money, and minor quarrels, but everything was resolved.

For health reasons, I stopped taking birth control last year. They began to protect themselves with condoms. But apparently, one of them broke. In general, at the end of January I find out thatpregnant , 5 weeks. I immediately told my husband and said that I didn’t want children. As soon as I got a good job, achieved something, I started going somewhere and getting out. And in general, I don’t want children. At all. Plus, giving birth in such turbulent times is not at all what you dream about.

He understood me, they were talking about medical abortion. He agreed. We made an appointment with the doctor the next day. At night I woke up from the fact thathusband is crying. So quiet. I realized that he agreed to the abortion so as not to lose me. And he really wants this child. We had an honest conversation in the morning and discussed it. I realized that I couldn’t deprive him of this joy, although I didn’t want to at all. She agreed to give birth.

The husband walks around happy, has taken on more work, is already looking for the best doctors, is making plans for what he will buy, and plans to take out a mortgage on the house. I know that I will be behind like behind a stone wall (and was), ourthe child will be provided with everything, and I will not be offended (if necessary, there will be nannies and assistants). He will arrange everything, I know. He has never let me down. Even if we separate someday, like with our first husband, he will not leave his child.

The decision seems to be correct. And she herself has complete rejection, sadness and periodic apathy. It’s as if I’m personally driving myself into the coffin of an unwanted life.

How to deal with such thoughts?

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