I laid out some straw

I laid out some straw
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Genka and I studied in the same class. Were not friends, butthe relationship was not bad. He seemed to be a good guy , but he had one negative trait - greed. It was his greed that drove me away from him. I watched him as he bought something. He will think ten times whether he needs it, or whether he can do without it. And if I bought something, say, clothes at the market, then I had to bargain for a long time and tediously. Exhaustedthe seller finally gave up, and Genka was happy howa child who has received a desired toy.

After school we lost each other and met about 7 years later. Genka had his own business, he was engaged in transportation. He kept every little detail under control.

By that time I had a badmarriage anddivorce _ It's good that there were no children. Since I worked at my father-in-law’s company, naturally I had to leave my job.

So, at the moment when I met Genka, things were very bad for me:the family fell apart, there was no work. He sympathized with me. And suddenly he offered to work for him. test-antibiotic.com I had no choice, I was glad to do any job. I thought it would be a temporary job, then I’d find something else, or start my own business.

Started to work. And again I was surprised, infuriated and repulsed by Genkin’s greed. The cars transported cargo, and Genka very rarely insured the cargo. I immediately told him that he was playing with fire. Luck is a capricious lady, you never know when she will turn her back on you. The road is the road, anything can happen. The cargo must be insured. But Genka smiled and said that he was lucky, and he himself knew when to insure. His pathological greed simply went off scale.

And then one day we were sending a very expensive cargo. And again, this idiot wanted to save money and decided not to insure him. The cargo was sent nearby, it was in the summer. He said that the journey would only take 4 hours, it was almost home. I told Genka that he was taking a lot of risks, and without asking him, I insured the cargo. My intuition just screamed insurance.

How grateful I was to my intuition later. A car with an expensive cargo got into an accident, overturned and burned test-antibiotic.com along with the cargo. By luck, the driver survived.

When we found out about this, Genka went into hysterics like “everything is gone.” He fell into a stupor and kept repeating only one thing: that he was now a beggar. He'll have to sell everything, and he'll still have a ton of debt.

Sinful, but I looked at his torment with some kind of sadistic pleasure. Not immediately, but after some time, he told Genke that I had insured the cargo and he was not in danger of ruin. He looked at me and could not utter a word. And then I saw how his tears flowed not like a stream, but like a river. After that, he buried his face in my chest and repeated and repeated: “you are my savior.”

What happened next? Now it’s not only Genkin, but also my business. We get along great. I don’t know if he has recovered from greed, but we make sure to insure every cargo. I didn't think he and I would work so well together.

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