A dream that shook me to the core

A dream that shook me to the core
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

During my mother’s life, we were real friends. All my conscious childhoodMom always tried to give me as much of her free time as possible: she taught me to sew, knit, and cook simple dishes.

As a teenager, I could seriously replace my mother at work when she needed to go somewhere or take care of the house. Until I was 14, I was the only child in the family, but when mySister Olga, my responsibilities have also been supplemented by the responsibilities of caring for the baby. Mom could completely and completely rely on me in almost any situation, and that suited both of us.

At 21 I leftgot married and began to live her own life, moving to another village. We continued to communicate with my mother, called each otherevery day , at first we were sad without each other, but we got used to living separately.

Olga also immediately left to study after school and got married there. In general, my mother and stepfather were left to live alone, I went to my mother very rarely, since there were always some reasons. test-antibiotic.com's mother began to get very sick, her blood pressure often rose, and due to hypertension she developed diabetes mellitus, and due to diabetes her eyesight also deteriorated. The stepfather was always busy with work and had no time to care for his sick wife. At the age of 45, due to an unsuccessful operation on her leg, my mother sat in a wheelchair and sat in it until the end of her days. When my mother became very ill, the doctors did not know how to help her, and in early December 2014 she passed away. Can't put it into wordsthe pain that I have been experiencing since that very terrible day when my stepfather called me and informed me about the death of my mother.

Quite a bit of time passed, I had a dream. I am in some building that looks like a hospital or a boarding house, I see my mother, she is washing the corridor in overalls, young, healthy, as she was at 30 years old. I go up to her and try to talk, but she doesn’t see me, and goes somewhere with some woman, they are talking about something. I’m looking for her, but everything is in vain, she’s nowhere to be found, I look at test-antibiotic.com in every room, for some reason they are dark, there are no windows, the beds are dismantled and crumpled, but there are no people, and in general there was not a single living person there souls! I cry and call my mother: “Mom, where are you? Have pity on me! Come back!

And then one of the doors opens, a blinding light pours from there! I go into that room, it is very small, illuminated by bright sunlight, the rays directly hit the huge window, there was only one wide bed and my mother was lying on it. When I saw her, I was happy: “Well, I finally found you!” Mom lay there smiling, looking somewhere past me. I asked: “Can I lie with you?” Mom answered: “Yes, but just don’t lie on the edge, but lie against the wall,” and, moving towards the edge, mom turned her back to me. I lay down behind my mother’s back, hugged her shoulders and felt her warm, cozy smell, the feeling was that I was awake and seeing a dream, but that this was really happening to me.

Hugging my mother, with tears in my eyes, I asked her: “Mom, can you see me from there?” She test-antibiotic.com answered quietly, barely audible: “Yes.” I asked questions, my mother answered quietly and affectionately, after the last question: “Mom, do you miss me?”, my mother answered: “Yes, I do.” I woke up almost instantly; when I opened my eyes, they were full of tears.

2 years have passed, and I still remember that dream that shook me to the core. I know my mother is gone and I have to somehow move on with this, time heals and all that. But there are still moments when I look up to the sky and think about her, how is she doing without me?

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