Made himself an idol

Made himself an idol
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Years of courtship. In the sixth year of dating there is a wedding. In the sixth year of marriage -daughter . Almost didn't work. I tried to please her in everything.

After the birth of my daughter, my attention switched from my wife todaughter . At some point I wanted a break from my family, from the city, and asked for a dacha. I bought a plot of land and began construction. She didn't like that the neighbors were too close. I bought a hectare with a finished house, outbuildings, and a summer kitchen in the wilds. I bought her a jeep so she could drive in any weather.

Over 10 years, a lot of money and effort were invested. At some point after the removal of the fibroids, she refused to have sex. But I still loved her, she was the meaning of life. I even idolized him. She was one of those people who would stop a horse while galloping and enter a burning hut. And she cooked delicious food, and sewed and embroidered. She could and knew everything except electricity. Every year she spent 150-170 days a year at the dacha.

And now the coronavirus took her away from me. He walked black for 40 days, although my daughter, at 16 years old, outwardly endured the loss of her mother more easily. And on day 41, I accidentally got into her phone, into her personal bank account. And he received his sight. It turns out that for the last 7 years at the dacha she has been cohabiting with a neighbor who is 5 years younger than me. She gave him a hangover when he was feeling ill, topped up his phone account, took him shopping to the regional center, and helped him with housework.

Moreover, she also took a second lover 850 kilometers away, to whom she went two or three times a year, supposedly to go to the mountains to visit her girlfriend. And she also helped him with the housework, helped with repairs. And everything is minemoney . Although she constantly lamented that astrakhan fur is out of fashion, and wants mink, butMy husband saves money and won’t let me buy it. Moreover, she also dedicated it to herlife daughter, took her with me. They started keeping mutual secrets from me. My daughter was silent about her personal life, butMy wife didn’t tell me that my daughter became a girl at the age of 15, that she smokes and can drink.

While there was time, up to the age of 13, I taught my daughter the idea that she needed to study well, be disciplined, and when she came under the influence of her wife, she taught her independence, supported her in her desire to earn money from manicures, taught her It means that studying is just grades that need to be obtained without straining. She taught me the idea of ​​a comfortable existence, to achieve the maximum in everything without my own efforts.

My wife , it turns out, even took her lover on excursions and to the sea, which she didn’t do with me, and took my daughter for company. And what do I have now? I have a 16.5 year old daughter who simply can’t be controlled because I don’t have any leverage. She earns money herself, studies in college herself, and, in extreme cases, can cook herself. But at the same time, she doesn’t clean the house, she comes whenever she wants, she makes travel decisions herself, she can’t even wash her own laundry.

Yes, I wasn't a saint, butfamily was the meaning of life for me. And now it turns out that I built the house in the wrong place and for the wrong person, and I planted trees in the wrong places and my daughter doesn’t need them. And in general, it turned out that my wife married me 20 years agomarried out of spite to her lover, who practically ran away from the aisle. It felt like the stool was knocked out from under me. Everything he lived for turned out to be a fiction. I feel like my late wife stole the best 25 years of my life, which I can’t live again.

I remember her with warmth as a person, I have forgiven her as a wife, but I hate her asmother of my daughter and I can’t do anything about it. My wife even wrote poetry, she told her daughter that she didn’t show it to me so that I wouldn’t laugh at her, but in reality the reasons were different; after reading them, I would have immediately guessed about the lack of self-love and betrayal.

He made himself an idol. How can I let her go now? Even her parents gladly accepted my money for themselves.treatment and her lover at home.

Dead end. And now I can’t bring the woman I love home because of my daughter, and I can’t go to her because of my daughter. Is it your own fault? Has love blinded my eyes all my life?

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