There is no joy at all from preparing for the wedding

There is no joy at all from preparing for the wedding
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 25 years old. My boyfriend is 30 years old. We live separately, in the city. I am not a supporter of civil marriage. We met in September on the Internet and social networks. We started communicating.

On New Year's Day he proposed. I accepted and was happy. After that, we went to my parents, where he asked for my hand. My father agreed, but asked that we meet before September 2017. Let me explain, the reason is my financial situation.the family is very modest in wealth. Originally from the village. His family income is much higher.

After that we had a very big fight. He stated that my family was checking on him, he didn’t plan to wait for me until the fall, he wouldn’t run to meet me like a boy, and all that kind of stuff.

A lot of offensive things were said to me, but he turned it around as if he had been insulted. I wantedreturn the ring, after saying that he was not going to wait for me that long, but then he immediately cooled down and told me to keep it with me. I then took off the ring and don’t wear it, saying that I would wear it to the matchmaker. Then everything calmed down for us. But he became colder, then his parents told me when they met that they wanted to get married in June and as soon as possible. My family couldn't accept them because... for this period they did not have the opportunity at all and, apologizing, asked to transfer and enter into our position until September, as was originally agreed.

Here again we had a scandal because of this. So that you understand, I work as an accountant, my salary is 20 thousand rubles. I support rented housing (17 thousand rubles) and myself (food for two, clothes for me, gifts for relatives, ifholiday ), and during the spring-summer period I save a lot and buy clothes for my parents (I know their sizes), because... they have no opportunity to come to the city. Accordingly, they cannot greet guests with an empty table. He doesn’t understand this and doesn’t hear me, although he says that he knows all this. FinanciallyThe guy doesn’t help me, the only thing is if we go for a walk, then he pays for the cafe and sometimes buys flowers and bread with sweets (if I ask).

Just yesterday a new scandal occurred. For the first time in 5 years of work, I asked the director for 2 weeks of vacation; I work without vacation, because... neededmoney . She gave. I ask him to spend at least 2 days together. He refused because... In the state structure, he is not supposed to split or take for family reasons, and it turns out that he knew that I would want to rest and therefore found out everything. He said that he would take a vacation in September, because... wedding in September. I was surprised. It was agreed that the wedding would be 2 months after the matchmaking, i.e. matchmaking in September, and wedding in December. I’m not one of the hysterical brides who give it summer, the main thing is to be with your loved one, and the month doesn’t matter. He started yelling, saying that my parents dictate when to get married, etc.

As a result, I was hysterical, I tried to prove and explain what was happening. He doesn't hear. I asked to meet in the evening, he said that it couldn’t be too late. And then he says that he didn’t make me hysterical, that it was me myself.

And the wedding may not take place in December, because he has a closing month and they won’t let him go. In general, I cry very often, I can’t pull myself together. I don’t understand what this is and how to perceive the situation. But I love him very much!

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