Can I cope with organizing my own wedding?

Can I cope with organizing my own wedding?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I perfectly understand people who do not like lavish weddings and prefer to spend this day with their closest relatives (or even alone with their now beloved husband).

Sometimes it’s not clear to myself why people invested so much money in such a magnificent but tasteless performance for unfamiliar distant relatives with whom they are unlikely to ever exchange a word. But I don’t bother anyone with my advice, I don’t express my opinion publicly and I don’t criticize other people’s decisions.

People want just such a holiday, they are ready to pay for it and are ready to organize it all - it’s their own business. My job is to come and congratulate, or to refer to business and not come.

But I don't understand at all why almost everyonefriends consider it their duty to give away their unsolicitedadvice for me personally. As soon as I let it slip that I was going to organize a small, but expensive and cozy wedding, which I had dreamed of since childhood.

As if from a cornucopia ofmoney and gifts, and criticism and “sound, practical advice.” Like, it won’t pay off, you need to gather more relatives (maybe they’ll give you something useful), and choose a cheaper restaurant, if possible, by searching through friends and asking for a discount.

Immediately, business cards started pouring in with recommendations: “cool toastmaster from my cousin’s wedding,” “flirist with whom I went to school,” and “my nephew the photographer.” I had to smile sweetly, politely refuse, or promise to “definitely call back” (depending on the situation and the touchiness of the volunteer assistant).

My attempts to explain my point of view were shattered by misunderstanding, or rather, by unwillingness to understand. How can I explain that I have always dreamed of just such a wedding dress, and no other, regardless of what is fashionable there now and what I wore last year?classmate getting married ?

I want to celebrate the change in my social status in this restaurant; I like this particular design of the wedding hall and no other. Fortunately, I myself am able to earn all this (and have already earned it a long time ago), without begging for money from my parents and without taking out bank loans, as many of the “ who went through all this” advisors did.

My fiance is also happy with everything, we have been doing this for a long timeThe issue was discussed with him, and no one else’s opinion in this case matters to me. There’s no need to count my money; I’ve been successfully dealing with this myself for several years now. As they say, thank you forhelp , but myself.

Dear friends and relatives, don’t be so intrusive and let our young family make decisions for themselves! Even if, in your worldly opinion, these decisions are fundamentally wrong. Thank you!

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