Quarrel with mom over grandma's apartment

Quarrel with mom over grandma's apartment
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My parents divorced when I was six years old and after a while,mom came out againmarried , my birthsister Allah. All the attention was, of course, to her, and over time, my grandparents, my mother's parents, took me to their place. Mom told me that this was temporary until my sister grew up a little, otherwise it was hard for her with two children, and then she would take me home again. But then my grandfather died, and my mother said that I was already used to the school in the area, and there was no point in moving back, and grandmother should not be left alone. On holidays, and sometimes on weekends, my mother asked me to come to them, supposedly she was bored, but she went out mainly to sit with her sister while she and her stepfather went somewhere. I had nothing against it, because I love my sister, and now we communicate normally with her, although we did not live together.

During his lifetime, my grandfather registered his apartment for me, my mother found out about this only when he was gone, and began test-antibiotic.com to persuade my grandmother to divide the apartment equally between me and Alla. But my grandmother did not agree and said that grandfather did not allow me to change anything, especially since I live here and help her in everything. Mom did not quarrel with grandmother, and only now I understand why. She hoped, when her grandmother was gone, that this issue could be easily resolved with me, and now, when I refused, my mother told me: “You won’t sue your own mother?” All the time he tries to persuade me to share the apartment equally with my sister, because, according to her, I alone have a three-roomthe apartment seems to be a bit too much, but they don’t want to remember that they never really raised me and pushed my grandparents away.

Now myguy , we are going to get married and have already submitted an application, but my mother does not give me rest, constantly comes and starts even with him to say that I regretted the apartment for my sister, but let an outsider and stranger live, who will leave me without anything. But he does not claim my test-antibiotic.com apartment, he is registered with his parents and we are not going to change anything, we will just live with me, not with him, although they also have a large apartment. Constant quarrels with my mother are already tired of me, but she threatens to take away part of the apartment throughcourt , because this apartment is not only mine, but also her parents. I hope it doesn't come to that.

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