It's better to live out old age together

It's better to live out old age together
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I love my cousin very much, probably also because he embodied my childhood dream of a strong and smart older brother, which I, alas, did not have. And when Lenka, returning from the army, quickly got married, I was even offended, my new relative seemed so homely to me.

But, firstly, it was noticeable even with the naked eye that he was in love, and secondly, just six months after the wedding, their first child was born.child , which explained such a small time gap between the acquaintance and the wedding feast. It was believed thatthe brother “showed nobility” by not abandoning a 19-year-old pregnant woman.

But “the family is full of rumors,” and a year later we began to hear these same rumors about our brother’s “revelry” and his infidelities on his young wife. The brother’s parents, people of the old school, confidently stood up for their daughter-in-law, and since they lived together at that time, they even tried to kick Lenya out of the house.

Natasha, his strangemy wife just smiled quietly and kept quiet, and I could no longer hide my contempt for her. Well, how can you humiliate yourself like that,, even in front of such a wonderful guy as Lenka was for me.

However, when the cheater was “caught” in the immediate vicinity of his home in the arms of anotherfriends , stern mother-in-law insisted on a divorce. Natasha didn’t argue with her either, although it was clear that she would never have parted with her worthless husband of her own free will.

But then housing turned up in time and my brother, together with his now divorced wife, safely moved to a new apartment. Soon the second one was bornson , and then a third.

But neither the birth of children nor the economic difficulties of hard times prevented Leonid from making trips “to the side,” however, now no one could “catch” him - his parents lived far away, and his wife was in no hurry to report when he returned.

I love my cousin very much, and if thirty years ago I could not understand “what he saw in her,” then for the last twenty years I could not understand “how you can live with him.”

It was just awkward to ask his wife (by the way, before the birth of their third son, they happily got married again) - we never became close friends.

But a couple of years ago I decided to change mylife and settled on the seashore. My first guest was, oddly enough, Natalya, my cousin’s wife. She turned out to be a desperate woman.

At 53 years old, she flew on an airplane for the first time and crossed the border for the first time. One. I was able to believe in the reality of her arrival only when I met her at the airport.

I must say that as soon as I found out about her intention to visit me, I began to worry how we would exist together for almost a month, because I practically don’t know her. Meetings at family feasts, where she always looked cheerful and calm, that’s all ourcommunication .

But from the first minute my fears disappeared, and when she categorically refused to sleep on my luxurious double bed and agreed to the sofa in the living room, I realized that she was just a treasure.

Well, what should two “girls” do on “long autumn evenings”, no matter how they talk. That’s how I learned the secret of living together for such a long time. It turned out to be “simple”, like life itself.

The main thing is patience and the desire to save the family. My brother's wife , quite rightly, believed thatthe husband must spend the night at home, but what is needed for this? That's right - his desire to return there. Where do they return? That’s right – to where it’s good and calm.

That’s why she never had nightly “showdowns” - why it was so late, where she was, where the lipstick on her clothes came from and other nonsense. I came, that's good. Get some sleep. You can talk in the morning, but only calmly, with a smile. So I think she developedhusband's conditioned reflex - home is best.

This may not be to everyone’s liking and character, but the fact remains a fact. This strange little woman managed to do what many of us failed to do. I certainly have.

My cousin loves his wife very much. And now, after 30 years of marriage, he loves and appreciates him even more than in his youth, when it seemed that he would whistle and anyone would come running. It doesn’t really “whistle” anymore, it doesn’t really “run”. And most importantly, the conditioned return reflex has transformed into a persistentlove for your home, from where now you can’t even pull it out with a lasso.

I love my cousin very much and am very glad that he found such a wonderful wife. And I, and all of us, wise relatives, were so stupidly mistaken.

I don't know why I wrote this story. Of course, not every woman can calmly accept her husband’s infidelity, but maybe it’s not too late for someone to change the “battle rolling pin” to a calm tone or even a smile.

It is true that you can start a new life at any age. But forgive me for my tactlessness - it’s still better to grow old together.

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