Strange women

Strange women
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read here that all friendsmarried , only the author of the story is alone and decided to write about her friends.

I have a lot of friends who came outmarry the one who first proposed. Eatfriend , her husband is 40, she is 27. He was married, butwife I couldn’t give birth , he deceived my friend, didn’t tell her that he was married, and when she became pregnant, he divorced and married her. She found out, of course, but did not dare to raise a child without financial support, so they live, it seems even normal.

Another friend always loved older men; she married a forty-year-old man, who was also divorced, out of love at the age of 20. And not to say, by the way, that he has a lot of money, they live in a friend’s apartment, they earn almost the same, they already have two children. Another friend is completely crazy, fell like crazy in love with a married driver from work, got pregnant, and still loves him so much that she hasn’t filed for alimony, she sleeps with him whenever he wants. I believe that there are many more such strange women than it seems.

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