It's scary to be alone with a small child

It's scary to be alone with a small child
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I got married early by modern standards - at 19 years old. My husband is only 2 years older than me. Mom said that we were not yet ready for family life, especially Kirill, but I didn’t want to hear anything. I loved him very much and believed that he loved me too.

When I told my mom thatpregnant , she immediately advised me to abortpregnancy . I was outraged and stopped talking to her. I was still studying, buthusband worked, besides, parentsMy husband gave us a one-room apartment. Mother-in-law took hersmother came home, and the apartment was quickly renovated. Superficial, of course, but for us it was really nothing. Having your own corner now is a luxury.

WhatMom was right, I realized even during pregnancy. My husband did not help, he played computer games in the evenings and on weekends. Later I noticed that he was on dating sites. When I cried and didnote , he left home completely. But the worst thing is that the husband was not at all ready for fatherhood. ignored the child, but told me thathis daughter annoys him with her screaming. I wanted to drop everything and leave, but there was nowhere to go. Mom went out for the second time after her divorce from her father.I don’t want to get married and live in the same apartment with my stepfather. Although my mother says: “Why are you suffering with such a husband, it will only get worse, get a divorce.”

What to do? It’s scary to get a divorce and be left alone with a small child, but it’s alsoThe husband's indifference is simply unbearable.

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