Fate gave me a surprise

Fate gave me a surprise
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I won't complain here. On the contrary, I’ll tell you what there arerelationship .

I was dating a guy. I loved him, and I was 18 years old. And I was so confident in myself that I thought I would move mountains. And due to my ambitions, I fell in love with the first person I saw, who turned out to be my boyfriend’s friend.

How I dreamed about him! I loved him, it seemed to me, in a way that nature had not invented. The passion was crazy, in the literal sense of the word. I was sitting at home and feltfear , unreasonable, terrible fear. Later, I found out that my nervous system was in trouble. It worked out. And I decided to go to another big city to study.

Everything turned out the way I wanted. I received the education I wanted and even more. And one day I came home to my city. I met my passion at a party, let's say. And I took his phone number! That day I was the happiest person in the world. I arrived there, rushed over, washed all the bed linen, washed everything! And the landlady tells me: at the neighbor’sher son arrived, test-antibiotic.com she asked her military tenant boys to take her for one day. I live with one of these boys to this day, our son is 12 years old. Today I was sent to the seventh grade.

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