My mother-in-law and sister-in-law are stealing money from our family

My mother-in-law and sister-in-law are stealing money from our family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I leftI’m married , I have my own apartment, a car, I make good money. My husband and I live in my apartment (he doesn’t have his own), he works and also makes good money.

There are practically no quarrels in the family, except for one topic: more than half of your salaryThe husband gives it to his mother and sister. As a result, he only has money left for pocket expenses (filling up the car, going to a bar with friends), and we live, it turns out, on mine - I pay for utilities, entertainment (cinema, swimming pool, etc.), buy food, we go on mine on vacation, etc.

I'm not a monster, so I'll describe the meaning of my claims: histhe mother is a pensioner, but not yet old and quite healthy, she can work, but does not want to. And she doesn’t have enough pension, because she doesn’t ride minibuses, she needs to pay for a taxi, she doesn’t get dressed in the markets, she needs expensive clothes! My sister is 35 years old, for the wholeshe hasn’t worked a day in her life , but she has had 2 children from different men and is now suckingmoney from minehusband for yourself and children!

When we talk with my husband on about this topic, he agrees with me that sponsoring them isharm to our family, wrong, but nothing changes! I’m used to taking vacations at least once a year - going abroad for at least 1-2 weeks andforget about work. He won’t let me go alone, but for two, in order for me to have enough money, I have to work like a horse. I don’t want to vacation at domestic resorts, why should I lower my standard of living because of his family?

And now he actually started lying to me, saying that his salary was either reduced, or not paid, or something else. But this money is not extra for me - I want a child (I’m 30), but I need money for this. How will we live if I go on maternity leave? And he agrees, but doesn’t change anything. What to do?

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