Mother-in-law ruined our New Year's Eve

Mother-in-law ruined our New Year's Eve
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been married for two years. The relationship is good, but of course there was some negativity.

My mother-in-law doesn't see boundaries. Not only does she think that she has the right to decide where we work, how we dress and what we eat, but she also really loves attention and worship of her person.

Over these two years, we celebrated absolutely all holidays with her. Herbirthday , birthdayhusband , my birthday, New Year , March 8, mother's day, teacher's day (sheteacher ). It got to the point that at 10 pm on February 14, she called and asked why it was taking so long to get together. Of course, I was rude, answering that we were not going anywhere.

Now it's New Year. My husband invited friends two months ago. Decidedcelebrate the holiday with them. At 11 pm she called and said that she had everything ready, they said, call a taxi and come to her quickly. The husband explained that we would come for about 20 minutes, congratulate, give gifts and go home.

And then it began. With shouts that we imagined that the New Year is a family holiday and friends have no place on it. MyMom spends all the holidays alone for the second year. Dad died, relatives are in another country. At the mother-in-law'shusband and anotherson .

Yes, she was offended. The situation is also unpleasant for me. I do not know what to do.

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