Mother-in-law should not interfere in her son's family

Mother-in-law should not interfere in her son's family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My son got married 3 years ago, my granddaughter is 2 years old. He also began to move away, as in the story where the adultthe son does not want to communicate with his mother. I already tried to give him complete freedom even before I met my future wife. I tried not to get into my soul. If he wanted, he shared information about his life. No, that's not it. Having read forums on this topic, I prepared myself for his future family life. But reality exceeded all expectations.

That is, tears literally began to well up, when I thought that I had not seen him for a month, the second, I know that he works from morning to night. My daughter-in-law not only doesn’t love me, butsuch an introvert . You can't get anything out of her. For the sake of communicating with her granddaughter, she simply called and asked if she should go for a walk so that the youngMom rested. From the beginning I refused. I continued. Then she asked again. I slept myself at this time. Then again. Then a day later she started calling that I was even starting to get tired. But I didn’t see my son. I was walking during the day, but he leaves early and comes late. Then they started calling for the weekend, and then they invited us to visit them or somewhere else. I don't even ask. I started seeing my son on weekends. At least for five minutes while they leave and come, but this one has already let me gopain . And my soul is so light. I realized that both of them, son anddaughter-in-law , how teenagers protect their independence. If this desire for independence is respected (don’t find out what and why, don’t ask where they went, where they put the service I gave). It is necessary to emphasize in every possible way that they are the masters here, in their little world, and I am a guest (ask permission to take a thing to a granddaughter, in response to her request, answer: “as mommy says,” “if mommy allows it...”). Then they lose this need to defend their borders. There is nothing to fight with. There is nothing to boycott for. There is no mother-in-law with curiosity and a desire to get high at least for a short time in the former comfort of the emotional microclimate of many years of communication with her son. There is a friendly, polite assistant, a friend.

It seems to me that such a situation as the author of the topic, as I have, is given in order to humble my pride. But there is a logical explanation. The former has died. No for you and your son. There are you andyour son's family . He has moved to a different quality. Regretting this is the same as regretting that you no longer carry him in a stroller, rock him in your arms, or give him a pacifier. We are all humans. We all feel uneasy when we realize that these are the first wrinkles, that our parents are weak, that we will all die in the end. A son who became a husband is a phenomenon of the same order, in my opinion. Of course, there are affectionate young spouses who share the same approach to establishing relationships with their mothers. There are intimidated ones, afraid to call or meet, and there are anxious sons. But I had in mind the situation of the author of the confession I read.

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