My mother-in-law constantly quarrels with my husband

My mother-in-law constantly quarrels with my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We live with my mother-in-law andThe relationship didn't work out from day one. She constantly makes comments to me, says that my parents didn’t teach me anything. Constantly complains to all her neighbors and acquaintances that she is unlucky with her daughter-in-law, that I came from the provinces, and I was lucky to meet such a personhusband what's her nameson . But I don’t understand why they weren’t lucky with me? And I came from the regional center, graduateduniversity with her son, I work in a foreign company, earning no less thanhusband . But my mother-in-law also finds an answer to this, that I achieved all this in a known way and is constantly trying to convey this idea to her son.

I came home from work and saw that my husband was on edge again. To my question: “What happened”? – he hissed with anger: “Why did you fight with your mother again?” He ran out of the house, and I already know that he will come again drunk, to spite both of us, this is how he expresses his protest. My mother-in-law heard all this and, satisfied, walked past me to her room. we had a quarrel with her in the morning, as always, over a trifle. She once again showed her dissatisfaction that I was not thrifty and it concerned the shampoo, which I threw in the trash. I explained to her that it had run out and I bought a new one, but my mother-in-law said that she could still add water and wash her hair a couple more times. I took it out of the trash and put it back, and in the evening I complained to my husband.

And this is not the only reason for me to doremark . When I bought a floor cleaner, my mother-in-law said that such expenses are not necessary, you can collect the remaining soap, dissolve and wash the floor. I was shocked and told her what century we live in and that I buy everything with my own . She didn’t like it, and she threw a tantrum and started screaming so that everyone could hear. I’m tired of enduring all this, and I have already suggested to my husband more than once that we live separately, because I can’t live together anymore, but he doesn’t want to offend my mother, who is only trying to do this in order to finally quarrel between us.

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