The best man ruined my wedding

The best man ruined my wedding
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Things didn't work out with my friends. There were always few of them, and over the years there were none at all. Someone betrayed me, someone leftgot married and stopped communicating, common interests with someone disappeared, andfriendship faded away. When I planned my wedding, it turned out that I had no one to call as a witness. After thinking a little, I decided to call my classmate Galya, with whom we had not communicated for several years, and whom we met by chance one day and went for walks a couple of months before the wedding. She was always a responsible and friendly girl ; we were on good terms at school and helped each other with our studies. And I thought - why not? I called her. She gladly agreed.

During our last meetings before the wedding, Galya complained to me a lot about herlife . As it turned out, herher mother , who always seemed to me a sweet and friendly woman, forced her to leave their shared apartment, sold the apartment, bought another and began to live in it with her new husband. It turned out that her mother did not love Galya all her life, oppressed in every possible way and was just waiting for her to grow up to get rid of her.

I really sympathized with Gala, needless to say. After this story, she had nowhere to live. Fortunately, shortly before this she had an affair with a man much older than her, and she now lived with him in a civil marriage. The man was divorced and had an adultdaughter , it seemed he was going to get officially married, but even with a casual acquaintance it was obvious how unreliable he was. But Gala had nowhere to escape from him. She hadhealth problems , she could not really work and was actually supported by him. He earned little, but had a rather specific hobby: he was a volunteer at several shelters for homeless sick animals. He spent the lion's share of all the money he earned on these shelters. Since his house was private, he regularly kept some sick dogs or cats. Gala had to live from hand to mouth, since everythingthe money was spent on the man's hobbies and caring for the sick animals he kept. I don't think she really liked it all. But she stated that she fully shared the hobbies of herhusband . And it was quite difficult to communicate with the two of them - they could talk about homeless animals continuously, around the clock. They didn’t go anywhere for a walk or have fun.

Galya also told a sad story about how badly her ex-best treated herfriend , another one of oursclassmate . She also recently had a wedding, only in another country, and she invited Galya to be her witness to the wedding. At the same time, Galya did not have money for the trip, her friend did not offer to pay her for the trip and, in addition, categorically refused to invite Galya’s husband, since she really did not like him, and she advised Galya to separate from him. So Galya didn’t go to that wedding; she was offended by her friend. And for some reason she told me a lot of bad things about her husbandgirlfriend , that his girlfriend contracted a sexually transmitted disease from him.

I attributed this talkativeness to Galina’s great resentment, but I was embarrassed to find out such a personal thing about Galina’s best friend, and I believed that Galya had no right to tell me about As a result, since we celebrated the wedding in my husband’s hometown, I persuaded my husband to pay for Gala and her husband’s travel there and back. I didn’t want to put Galya in an awkward position, like her friend did. Everything was fine until we arrived at the place. I saw my husband’s relatives for the second time in my life. These were rude village people with whom I, an ordinary city girl, had no common ground. I was ready to communicate and be friends, but no one was particularly eager to communicate with me.

My husband's relatives behaved strangely. If on my first visit they seemed to be glad to see me, now they behaved rather unkindly. I couldn't understand what was going on. Everyone around was strangers. The wedding chaos made my head spin. My husband supported me, but I didn’t get any support from Gali. Galya herself had village roots, always spent her summer holidays with her grandmother and felt much more confident with my new relatives than I did. Immediately after arrived, she practically stopped talking to me, did not help me in any way, sucked up to my husband’s relatives in every possible way and tried to please them. Including at my expense, demonstrating how she is better than me in everything. MyMom , who also went with us, was shocked by the change in Galina’s behavior. And I even once heard Galya describe me not in the best colors in front of my mother-in-law. As a result, Gala managed to please all my new relatives, and to methe attitude remains bad.

Galya felt at home in someone else’s house: she climbed through the cabinets and calmly took food from the refrigerator, but I was embarrassed to behave like that, asked the owner of the house (mother-in-law) for all permissions, but still Galya remained good, and I bad. Galya even managed to quarrel a little with my mother on her own initiative and try to pester my husband when he was drunk. Mom was even more shockedGalya’s husband stupidly rejected her, I witnessed this. In short, Galya managed to complicate my wedding as much as she could. I could hardly wait for the end of this celebration and departure for home. Needless to say, on the way home, on the train, Galya behaved quite boorishly. I didn’t understand where that well-mannered and serious classmate of mine that Galya had once been had gone to. It was as if the person had been replaced. After that, of course, I didn’t want to communicate with her. Now, at most, I write her congratulations on the holidays. At first, she was very surprised why I didn’t want to be friends with her anymore. And I regretted most of all that I trusted her before the wedding and told her a lot of personal things about myself. Now I understood that such a person could deliberately tell mutual acquaintances about all my secret problems in order to cast me in an unfavorable light.

When I accidentally had a conversation with Galina, my former best friend, about whom she then told me a lot of unnecessary things, I expressed my bewilderment about the changes in Galya’s character. To which my friend replied that Galya had always been like this, I just knew her too poorly. So to this day I live in bewilderment: what was that all about? How could a person change so much in just a few years? Why did Galya behave this way at my wedding?

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