Such relatives are worse than enemies

Such relatives are worse than enemies
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My relatives are my enemies. It all started a long time ago, but I didn’t let it matter. Ourbig family . My mom has 2 sisters andBrother . Himmy wife is my age and we were friends. Grandmother is the head of the family and everyone is always near her. I also loved her very much, but now I only hate her.

It all started with my pregnancy. I worked with my aunt (she is my shift worker), and when I became pregnant, she started putting me out of work because of maternity leave. They had an agreement with the authorities. She was plotting, I was even in danger of miscarriage. She screamed at me to quit, she even wanted to frame me for the article, and all my relatives accepted her position. And when we finally quarreled, my grandmother screamed at me, pregnant, with curses because I had quarreled with my aunt, or rather, defended my position. And so I endured everything, and at that time my grandmother lived with my mother.

Here is a story about my uncle's wife. She then gave birth to her second child, and myMom constantly sat with her children, almost every day, and I also always helped her. She hasThere were problems with my husband and with finances. And the third aunt came to visit from the village. During this period, my mother became seriously ill, and when her tests came back, she found out and told everyone. But two aunts and an uncle take their children and bring them to their mother, while they themselves rest. They didn’t even support me morally or financially.

At that moment I gave birthdaughter . We arrived home, everyone congratulated us, but then it started. Envy, or what? I don't know how to justify them. They began to hate me and my family. Grandma turned away immediately. If she is babysitting her son's children, andEvery day she walks to them, but she won’t even come to us, although she is my grandmother. She is still young; she gave birth to my mother at the age of 15.

I didn't ask for help. I wanted the samerelationships , just like with other children. My child is one year younger than my uncle’s child, and also a girl. They began to compare. At first they boasted about theirs, and then they noticed that mine is larger, speaks in a year when they don’t say a word in two. Grandma started to get angry. I call her, tell her about my daughter,husband , and she interrupts and starts talking about their children. They have a cold, she’s crying, we’re in the hospital with a sore throat, she’s not worried at all, she won’t even call.

They began to gather as a family, calling everyone, and they called my mother. In general, everyone except me, my daughter and my husband. So every time. I'm so offended! Besides this, they talk about me behind my back. But I call them all the time, offering minehelp , and I help. They call me when they feel bad. I’ll listen for hours, but I’ll just start talking about myself and my family; they don’t have time to listen right away.

Why this attitude? Today I made a small request, they didn’t answer the phone right away, although they promised. I reach out to them and forgive them, but they hurt me again.

How to understand this? After communicating with them I havedepression . Why do they have such hatred towards us?

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