Now I have become my daughter’s favorite nanny

Now I have become my daughter’s favorite nanny
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I worked together with Andrey in a large company, and I immediately liked him. Many people looked at him, which is not surprising: handsome, successful. I worked as an office manager and was five years younger than him. He had recently broken up with his girlfriend, was in need of attention and unexpectedly turned his attention to me, and three months later we got married. My husband was very happy about the birth of his daughter and simply beamed with happiness, but I missed the communication of the team and did not want to be constantly alone at home with the child. I also love my Dasha, but I firmly decided that when she turns one, I will go to work, and there will be a nanny with the child. But I still had to convincehusband , who, as I thought, would be categorically against it. He was also supported by our parents, who believed that the child should be taken care ofMother .

In various ways I achieved his consent and went to work, leaving the two-year-olddaughter in the care of a nanny (it didn’t work out before). Olga was a former kindergarten teacher, and she had three grandchildren,, which I also liked, which meansShe had experience with children not only at work. The daughter also immediately got used to the nanny and even became so attached to her that she spent the whole weekend asking when nanny Olya would come. I was happy about this, because now I could be calm about the child and could devote my free time to myself - I signed up for fitness and driving courses.

But the idyll ended when Dasha turned three and we all went on vacation together. When we told our daughter about this, we thought we would make her happy, she said that she wouldn’t go anywhere without her nanny Olya. I didn’t want to take Olga with me either; we were planning a family vacation. Dasha, having learned that the nanny was staying, began to cry. My husband reacted immediately, just as I was afraid.daughter loves someone else's woman more than her ownmother and all this is my fault. The most annoying thing was whenthe husband said that he did not expect to marry such a selfish woman who would not love his children.

We parted with Olga without offense, she understood everything, and my mother began to help me, sometimes taking Dasha to her place so that I could rest, but my daughter did not immediately wean herself off the nanny, she was still bored and crying for a long time. Now, while playing various games and modeling with plasticine with my daughter, I realized how much I lost when I gave my child to a stranger. Why did I deprive myself of the joy of seeing my child grow and develop?

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