Only pregnancy stops divorce

Only pregnancy stops divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Unfortunately, I found myself in the same situation as the author, whoDarling The man doesn't speak for weeks after an argument.

We met a year ago, everything was great - flowers, gifts, trips. When he came to visit me on a date (every day , 40 minutes drive one way), he told about hislife . He was married twice, from his first marriagechild , 9 years old (firstlove , they were together since they were 16, eventually they got divorced, she cheated on him). After some time he got married a second time, he said that there were sick people thererelationship , a month, probably a week of normal communication and that's it, although after two years of dating he married her and even bought a plot of land, but according to him she (his wife) didn't need it. I don't remember whether they sold it in the end or she kept it. I accidentally found out from him (that's how the situation developed) that the secondhis wife cheated on him and that after the betrayal he accepted her, but in the end they divorced.

I was there once toomarried , very hard experiencedivorce (we also had a relationship since I was 16, together for a total of 10 years). Divorce suggestedhusband , because he fell out of love, we live like neighbors. And so I recovered from the divorce, learned to live again, enjoy life, met this guy. For the first time, feelings appeared, somehow everything worked out quickly for us. Almost 2 months after dating, I moved in with him, he told me that he had not felt so calm in a relationship for a long time. I myself was happy that I finally found a good oneguy (although once I caught myself thinking and became wary that he had already been married twice). But I think I should still try, maybe it will work out.

At home everything was perfect, no quarrels, we cooked together, he gave me flowers. I thought I had found my soulmate.happiness (by the way, 7 years older than me). After another 1.5 months I find out thatpregnant . For both of us, this is unexpected and unplanned (I have no children from my first marriage). But on myhe was happy about the pregnancy , he was immediately set on having a girl. And then things started to happen for us...

I have a surge of hormones, I can rarely remain silent, and if I start a quarrel, I always apologize, make amends, because this is pregnancy and men do not understand this. Plus, hisour son started living with us every day, we do homework with him, get him ready for school, I wash, iron the child, then he developed an allergy, so I did all the procedures for him in the morning and in the evening, and not his ownmother . Because his biological mother (my boyfriend's first wife) can't do homework with him at all and doesn't show any interest, as if she doesn't need him.

But I don't see any understanding from my man, how many times have I told him that I don't ask for much, just patience and understanding on my part, pregnancy wasn't easy for me (and he doesn't know, especially since he was already in this position). I am also friends with his son, we get along, he even called me his sister. Andmy boyfriend almost every time (and at the beginning of our communication) in a quarrel says: "I'm not going to find out anything, I'm not going to report to anyone, I've had enough of a fight for the rest of my life." I understand him perfectly andI don't want to argue . We haven't talked for a week now (I have less than a week left to give birth). The reason is that I came home from work, I was lying down, watching TV and on the phone at the same time (with my usual expression on my face, I don't know what it seemed to him, it's just that I was tired of ironing clothes that day, although even without that you get tired quickly at this stage, but I wasn't going to complain to him about it). He came up, kissed me, I kissed him back. He ate, came into the room, I was already sitting, watching, he said something about the street, I decided to joke. Then he again didn't get my joke and said: "You've been kind of irritated for the second day already, in a bad mood, in that case I won't be coming home from work soon." And after arguments he always goes to the garage, and can be there until one in the morning, and I never nag him. Neither these trips to the garage to help friends after work, nor the scattered socks in the hallway (I silently collect them for the wash).

Afterwards I calmly tell him that it seemed that way to him, I was sitting there as usual. As always, he doesn't continue, he falls silent, I want to talk, he doesn't look at me right away and says: "don't bother me, lie down, watch TV." At this point I can't take it anymore (because it's always impossible to talk to him, to find out the reason) and I start crying and emotionally, that I'm not sitting here right, I'm not doing the right thing, etc.

That evening we went to my mother's, she immediately noticed that something was wrong with us. When we got back in the car, I calmly said to him: "When will this all end?" But we couldn't have a calm conversation, we both exploded. He started it first, shouting: "I'm fed up with everything, don't come near me, if something doesn't suit you, then the conversation is short." I also told him in response that he shouldn't come near me either, that we were rubbing against each other, there was no mutual understanding. But he didn't hear me.

I felt very hurt, I didn't expect that he could tell me like that, and figuratively speaking, like "I'm not holding you back." And what about the words that he loves me, when we don't quarrel, everything is fine with us, everything suits me. But the quarrels are always over trifles and he clings, I always apologize for my hormones. And he apologized twice in all this time. And this time I tell him: "would you at least apologize once?" And he asks me for what?

And I'm already at such a stage, and he didn't call all weekend (he went to the village to help his parents with repairs), then at work the whole day and after, if he's late, he doesn't call and doesn't warn. And this time, not expecting it from myself, I don't want to be the first to approach, I'm tired, it's very offensive that he doesn't appreciate myattitude , doesn't understand me. I've been in tears and stress all pregnancy because of our fights (I don't know how I managed to carry the baby to term). And he's either proud, or I don't mean that much to him, I don't know, what to think. But when we don't fight, everything is perfect, he's a good husband andfather , responsible, cheerful, kind, always helps, dreams that we buy a plot of land, we even went to look at it at the beginning of summer, but I don’t agree yet, because I don’t have time for him yet. I even found out the number of a good psychologist through a friend, but I never contacted her, I hoped that everything would work out for us and I wouldn’t need her.

I don't know what to do. And by the way, we got married (I insisted that the child's documents should have the same surname, as is proper, I didn't want her name from the first marriage to appear somewhere).

Honestly, I don't want to break up, I want everything to be good, but I'm also mentally exhausted. I don't recognize myself, I've become irritable, sometimes I don't even want to talk to anyone. And I had all sorts of bad thoughts. And, probably, if I weren't pregnant, I would have left. I didn't think he was like that.

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