The weight of loneliness

The weight of loneliness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 24 and I've never had a relationship. I know this isn't a new topic, I've read a lot of different advice on other sites, but many of them are like "wait, your day will come." Butthis holiday does not happen, and the situation begins to seem hopeless, and this scares me. If at 18-20 I thought that everything would still be, there is no need to rush things, trying to be like everyone else, "normal", then now I am already thinking that I really am not normal.

Yes, self-doubt is certainly characteristic of me, I won’t deny it. Plus, I am by natureintrovert , and this introversion, on the one hand, seems to allow me not to suffer from loneliness, but, on the other hand, it interferes with establishing new contacts. In terms of fighting insecurity, I feel some progress. For example, it has become much easier for me to communicate with the opposite sex, especially if Ithe guy is not attractive, in this case there are no problems at all. However, the path to combating complexes is always a long way, as you understand.

At the same time, a new complex is being formed - this is exactly the topic of my message. You know, I'm scared even to go to the gynecologist, excuse me for such details, the feeling that eventhe doctor will already perceive me as crazy. And how to tell a potential boyfriend (if we do meet) that I have no experience of relationships in a world where 11-year-olds have boyfriends and girlfriends? Don't get me wrong, I don't think you should haverelationships at 10 years old, sleeping with the first person you meet and all that stuff, but I feel like I've already gone too far.

Pressure from mom, grandmas, aunts, that the clock is ticking, tactless questions from people around you somehow do not add confidence, but make you feel even more inferior. As for appearance, I can say that I am average. Probably. I rather don’t like myself, but objectively I am not Quasimodo. And observations do not confirm the great importance of appearance, far from beauties have boyfriends.

Time goes by. And nothing changes. And I'm not 24 yet, I'm already 24! I think a lot, I try to understand what's going on, what the main problem is. Many psychologicalProblems (and everyone has them) do not prevent me from building relationships. Or maybe I don’t need anyone at all? I ask myself, do I need a relationship at all? Or is this a stereotype imposed by society? I can’t answer. But I guess it’s still worth a try. I read psychological literature, but I can’t figure out how to behave, what exactly to do. Advice in the style of “love yourself” is very vague, in my opinion. Or is it because I’m too demanding? Although I wouldn’t say that I’m looking for something supernatural in a partner, rather self-evident things — decency, kindness. Or is this no longer possible, there are no good guys? And is there even such a thing as love? In short, there are a lot of questions, as you understand, but no answers.

Yes, everything has its time, we are all different, that is understandable, of course. But I am losing faith that everything will still happen, I just need to wait a little longer. I am already looking at cats for myself. I will be glad to hear yoursadvice on how to turn the situation around or learn to accept it.

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