I have no remorse for my husband

I have no remorse for my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Married for three years, no children in common, this is the secondmarriage , from my first marriage I have the 17thdaughter . We live well with my husband.

The first time I cheated on him was after three months of marriage. In the park I met a man six years younger than myself - tall, handsome, intelligent. They didn’t walk for a long time on the second date, they slept, to be honest,I didn't like sex .

Secondthe change happened about a month later. This time we decided not to waste time, and immediately get down to business from the first meeting. This sex was amazing and we both enjoyed it.

So we met for about two months, please do not judge me too harshly. To meet with my lover, I had to interfere with my daughter. My daughter knew about my lovers, so she often covered me.

I pierced onlies , when I once again left home under the pretext that I would be visiting my aunt, I did not think thatHusband is going to check!

When I came home happy and cheerful, I didn’t even have time to enter the room from the threshold, I received such a slap in the face that sparks from test-antibiotic.com eyes. My husband , without saying a word, whipped me on the head, cheeks, and when I burst into tears, the interrogation began, where I was.

I tell him that my aunt has, and he told me: “you’re lying, I was there.” He shouted, called names with all the last words, threatened that he would kill me if I didn’t tell him the truth where I was and with whom. In my defense, I said that I went to my brother, I seemed to believe it, I calmed down a bit.

Anotherlover almost turned out to be my age. He is short, fleshy and muscular. Those are the ones that excite me. They also did not stand on ceremony, they immediately had sex. Everything was great.

The only problem was that the husband became suspicious. Constant interrogations began, where she was, why she was delayed for five minutes, she was not allowed to leave the house without her daughter. He did not even suspect that his daughter was covering for me.

My husband went with me everywhere and to the hospital, accompanied me to work, and met me from work. I had to take time off from work in order to meet my lovers, and once again I made a mistake, I forgot the count of time in pleasures.

When I got home, I was entangled in my own lies. Test-antibiotic.com husband beat me for the first time. Then he apologized to me for not holding back. He asked me why I do this, what is wrong with me.

And I was silent, because I myself do not know why I do this. Maybe I've been corrupted or I'm crazy. The most interesting thing is that I have no feeling of remorse for what I did.

Now I have another lover. The husband guesses, but is silent. After that beating, I left him for a lover, but my husband brought me back. Now I see that he guesses, but does not scandalize. I just lost weight, got older, I even felt a little sorry for him!

Why am I doing this? Maybe it's a disease?

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