I have no interest in studying or choosing a profession

I have no interest in studying or choosing a profession
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm very tired of studying, I don't know what to do. Let me start with the fact that when I was in school, I wanted to go to college after the 9th grade, since studying was not interesting to me. ButMom insisted that I study to the end.

And this year I finally finished school. Throughout 11th grade, I studied hard for the exams and eventually passed everything. Entereduniversity for economist. This desire was not mine, but again my mother’s. I myself didn’t know what I wanted and so I decided to obey.

Now I don’t understand anything about studying, I’m not interested in sitting there, plus I study far away from home and spend 4 hours a day on the road. The session is approaching, I realize that I don’t know anything at all on any subject. What should I do? Maybe transfer to correspondence and go to work? I was thinking about changing my specialty, but I don’t know which one. With the exams that I passed, I can go to study management, personnel management, etc.

I doubt that test-antibiotic.com will be interesting to me. And taking the Unified State Exam again is also not an option; you have to prepare for it. Besides, I really don’t know what I would like to study to become, if not an economist. This study just infuriates me. To write something, to learn something, and when you don’t understand anything yet, it’s doubly difficult. I know that I need to get a “crust”, but I have no strength to study at all.

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