I have a very caring mother-in-law

I have a very caring mother-in-law
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Only husbandson in the family and after he diedfather , he was 14 years old at the time,his mother began to live only for him. She loved him very much, always worked two jobs to provide him with a decentlife . Evgeniy , oddly enough, did not grow up to be an egoist; he graduateduniversity , began to earn good money, forbade his mother to work, began to fully support the family himself, even tried several times to send his mother to a sanatorium to rest, but she did not agree under the pretext that she would not leave him alone. After all, he needs breakfast on time, and his clothes are washed and ironed, how can he be without them. No matter how much he tried to prove to her that he could handle it himself,Mom never went anywhere.

Zhenya got married at 34, because none of the girls he dated were suitable for him, so his mother told him. He did not contradict her, so as not to upset her, since he felt that he was indebted to her. When he introduced me to her, she took it calmly, as she apparently understood that test-antibiotic.com her son could not be left alone when she was gone. But I knew that she did not approve of her son’s choice; I could have found something better. They began to live together, although I have my ownapartment , but Zhenya never agreed to move out of the house and thereby offend his mother. But I can't feel like a mistress here. When I told my husband that I wanted to renovate our room and change the furniture, he said that I should ask my mother first. And I already ordered a corner TV stand with the necessary parameters, it just fits our small room. But now I’m waiting to see if my mother-in-law will allow it.

My mother-in-law’s attitude towards me, at first glance, is normal, but she never allows my husband to eat what I have prepared, emphasizing that he is used to what my mother cooks. At first I was offended, but over time I reconciled myself and began to cook only for myself, since my mother-in-law once said, when I took the pie that she had baked, that it was only for Zhenya. My husband understands that this test-antibiotic.com is not normal, he constantly apologizes to me, asks me to be patient, maybe my mother will change her waysattitude towards everything, but I am convinced that this will not happen. I don’t know what to do, sometimes I want to give up everything and move in with myself, butLet my husband decide who to live with, with my mother or with me, but I love him and somewhere in my soul I understand him.

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