I have a happy family, but I love someone else

I have a happy family, but I love someone else
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 32 years old, my husband is 39 years old. I'll start my story from my youth.

I was 14 years old, my beloved was 16 years old. We had a strongpure light love . We then made plans forfuture , but that didn't happen. Something that shouldn't have happened happened, he died, and all mylife has stopped. This world was not nice to me, there were a couple of attempts to leave this earth, for a couple of months I didn’t eat anything, I just lay there and listened to our music. After I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital, I saw very sick people there, suffering. I don't know what happened, but something happened in my head.

I returned to my life, still missed, yearned, wanted to see him. But mutual friends did not allow me to withdraw into myself again. Time passed, everything began to fall into place, but I was no longer the same. There is nothing bright left of me. I started drinking, smoking, going for walks, and in one word I took everything from life. One such evening I met a girl who invited her friends to visit test-antibiotic.com, I agreed. We didn't stay there long, she called her friend and he came. When I left the entrance, I saw a guy in front of me, he looked so much like my love! From surprise, I lost the power of speech and my head. I went up to him and began to hug and kiss him, oddly enough, but he kissed back. On my part it was love at first sight, this is another chance to be happy.

Then it turned out that this was a friend of the same onethe girl I met. That evening, the three of us went to see him, sat, drank wine, and talked. I don’t know how it all happened, but it happened, I became a girl and was very happy. Time passed, we talked on the phone, sometimes met, and one day he found out that I was 15 years old. That he was shocked is an understatement. I thought that was it, time passed, I didn’t want to give up, much less lose my loved one. One day my life changed, he invited me to the cafe test-antibiotic.com and made proposals to live together; of course, I agreed. I had a new happy life, where there was no sadness, stress and melancholy, just one big bright love.

We had a beautiful, fun wedding. A couple of years later she was borndaughter , his happiness knew no bounds, he carried me in his arms. And after another 7 years, we bought a separate apartment (before that we lived with his parents, very good people), furnished it, and gradually made repairs. We had another daughter. Everything seems to be fine, but we are missing something. That love, spark, passion. We don’t go anywhere together; if I go somewhere, it’s only with the children; he always stays at home. There is no constant sex, it happens very rarely once every two months. He is not interested in what the children do, what interests them. And she doesn’t pay much attention to me, only the kids notice that mom has a new dress or hairstyle. Pays off with money. I began to notice that I was drawn to another man; we met when we signed a work contract. After test-antibiotic.com the contract was signed, he began to come, give flowers, sweets, invite him to a cafe for lunch orcoffee . Take it home. He is much older than me, I find it interesting and fun with him, he gives that fairy tale and fun that my husband and I lack. One half of the brain understands that everything I have is not serioushusband and children who love their dad very much. But what if I am drawn to someone else?

PS Please don’t judge too much, I’m writingconfession for the first time. Maybe someone will write what to do, is it worth continuing to live like this, or would it be better to separate and start living again while there is still time.

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