We couldn't get along with our parents

We couldn't get along with our parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband, my one-year-old daughter and I live in a two-room apartment with my parents. It just so happened that there wasn’t much choice. Or live in a private house, where parents come and live in summer and springhusband and hissister with her children, or with mine. And I chose from my own. It seems that we are closer to our own people than to strangers. But I was wrong.

We moved immediately after being discharged from the hospital. At first, my parents helped me with the child, went for walks with her, and amused me when I was away on business. Everything was fine, so it seemed to me. Then it got worse, dad is a callous person, he gets irritated at any reason. Once he didn’t like something, the second time, then he began to find fault with me, saying that I was like this, I didn’t do it or it wasn’t right. I got angry and we had a fight. And this happened several times. Basically, he didn't express what exactly he didn't like. Everyone hoped that I would guess. And now, too, he doesn’t communicate with me, but only finds fault with me or can tell his mother. I don’t know why he test-antibiotic.com doesn’t tell me anything. You have to get it out with pliers. In general, he is tired of us, and he wants to send us away. I feel like my dad doesn't love me. We never communicated normally with him, only screams.

I'm tired of this, I can't live with a person whose brain can't stand it all the time, anddaughter , so that she doesn’t see these scandals. We decided that we would buy an apartment and live separately. Living with parents, no matter whose they are, is a disaster. Everyone begins to teach how to live. We lived with our mother-in-law when there were three families in a three-room apartment (my husband and I, his parents and sister). It was hell. I quarreled with everyone, whatever happened. Here's the story. It's a shame, of course, that this happens.

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